The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I like the way you wove a personal story into the telling of the greatest bridegroom!
Very well written! What a wonderful reminder of the Wedding Feast we have to look forward to when our Bridegroom returns for us!
I can relate to this grandmother. My husband is always wanting to give to someone, and I am struggling to make ends meet. I am working on being more giving though.

Very well written and I love the way you make the invitation to come to Jesus. Blessings!
This is good!

My only suggestion, and it's really a very small one, is to include a bit more dialogue. Even if it's imagined, I'm sure there were a few humorous exchanges between grandma and grandpa. Give us a bit more of a glimpse of that.

Over all, this is well written, and you painted the contrast between grandma and grandpas, as well as how they worked together well.
Loved this story!
Loved this story! Congratulations!
Congratulations on winning the quarterly contest.

It really touched my heart how you wove in Christ as the bridegroom. There is no more important invitation than having God in your life.

I sincerely was lost in the story; I meant to say that I was hooked from the very beginning. You brought it around perfectly, the Love of God, and His invitation to everyone. God loves us all, no matter who we are or what we have done in our past.
Great way to witness to the multitudes of your readership.