The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1352 times
Member Comments
I love this more than words can say. The bravery to bring this precious child to term despite the voices telling you to abort, the grace in answering tough questions, and God's reply to a request for wisdom. I tell my son and daughter the same thing when they ask about their daddy (he was abusive and we've had no contact for almost 5 years - my son is 6 and my daughter 9): God is their Daddy!!! And how great a Daddy He is. I really would love to share this post on my blog and on Facebook. Could I?
Conceived in love. So true. Well-done.
This is a fabulous piece of writing. It made me cry and I always think if you move your audience you have done a good job. It is also wonderful to have “the other side of the story” especially with everything happening at the moment. This is the best piece I have read, so far. Bless you
This is a fabulous piece of writing. It made me cry and I always think if you move your audience you have done a good job. It is also wonderful to have “the other side of the story” especially with everything happening at the moment. This is the best piece I have read, so far. Bless you
Wow, what a story! Is is non-fiction? Well done in the telling.
What a testimony! Thank you for sharing.
Powerful story. Powerful writing.
Fact or Fiction - really doesn't matter.
This is the kind of story the world needs to read. Blessings
This is a powerful story. I had a feeling where it was headed. Although the situation wasn't the same, my daughter once asked me if she could tell her friends her father was dead. I remember answering she could, but it would be a lie. God also showed me a way to show her she was loved without tearing down the other half who made her. My only red ink is the dialog didn't sound totally authentic (kids' wouldn't likely say surely and speak in incomplete sentences and use slang). But the message was so profound and powerful that I didn't focus too much on the dialog. This is definitely one of my all-time favorites. Outstanding writing.
Oh, wow! I'm tearing up here. This is so well-written! You had made me hooked with the story wondering what would happen, but the ending...the ending...WOW! Love it! Congratulations on a well deserved win! (This one is going in my favorites!)
Congratulations on your 1st place finish in Advanced and your 2nd place finish overall, Arlene.

Powerful story. I knew it was an EC winner the moment I read it.
Congratulations on your EC! Happy Dance!
I'm so excited you won the quarterly award in your division, Arlene!

Talented writer.
How beautiful. Thank you. What a brave, and blessed wouman of God. God bless you richly.