The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I like how you contrast a place with so much “nothing” with having so much emotion and memories for you. You have encapsulated so much detail in so little space! Very vivid and beautifully written!
I like your subtle satire about "nothing". It does show that maybe, just maybe, you CAN get something from nothing.:-) Well appointed "scenic" imagery. I felt as if I were there.

Though I've never been to Boorowa ("Neither Boorowa nor lender be???") you have caught the atmosphere that so many Australian country towns exude on a first impression. Well done.
Though I've never been to Boorowa ("Neither Boorowa nor lender be???") you have caught the atmosphere that so many Australian country towns exude on a first impression. Well done.
Wow! This is absolutely great. Loved your portrayal of life in the raw!
I like this poem and the images it conjures up. I want to go and do all the things that happen in the poem and found it really fired my imagination even if I have no idea what a Sheoak looks like!
Great job with the imagery, you really did transport us much so that I actually felt like I was in west Texas. I hope you don't mind if it doesn't have the allure for me that some of the other readers have expressed...I've had my fill of 108 (fahrenheit) days and don't want to drink any more hot water from a well. Thanks anyway!
This is a poem to savor and remember. Well done.
I loved the imagery in this wonderful poem and am happy for your well deserved HC award!
I never realised that I'd commented twice - and shown no greater understanding the second time! But congratulations on your commendation.
kep your writings this good and maybe you might just be tracked and hired