The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 468 times
Member Comments
Your article made me hungry - and it illustrated your point clearly
It is amazing how God uses the little things in our life to reach out and let us know that He is with us.

A bit of a critique here: Perhaps you might want to separate the bulk of the story into a few paragraphs. It will make the story look more appealing and it will be easier to read.

All the best. :)
I really enjoyed your approach to the topic this week.

God bless~
I liked how your story incorporated all of the senses such as sight, smell, and taste. I worked up quite an appetite reading about your homemade potato salad with fresh dill.
This is short, but gets right to the point. I also have a garden in pots on my patio. There's something about it that does draw me closer to God.

Try not to use too many exclamation points. In a piece this size, there could maybe be one if it was part of dialog. Instead, let your wonderful word choices do the exclaiming for you. Also be careful of the universal you. Instead, make it more intimate by using the first person. Ex: walk on my deck, for my dinner.

I think you did a great job of writing on topic. Your entire story oozed zest, and that's not easy to do. I don't think you even used the topic word. I'll often challenge people to write on topic without using the topic word. It's not easy, but often they are the best stories.

You pulled me in right off and held my attention right to the last word. I'm eager to read more of your work. You definitely have a gift.
Your interest and knowledge of foods and cooking come through.

This would encourage followers.
I liked the story, and I could feel as well as relate to your excitement over the making of your potato salad.
There is nothing like having a meal come alive through the texture of an ingredient; especially when it's something you grew yourself with God's love, gift, and grace.