The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1297 times
Member Comments
You painted a powerful picture here of the desperation soldiers feel in wartime.
It took me a second read to figure the formation of the
"whir--click" for Russian roulette, but then I found it very effective.
I found this very intriguing and extremely creative. Quite out of the box. I think I liked it.
I really wasn't sure I wanted to read this entry as I figured it probably wouldn't end well. You have truly captured the hopelessness and frustration that I imagine many soldiers would feel during times of war. I love the intensity and the feelings you have portayed in this (even though I don't 'like' the content as it's so confronting). A truly great piece.
A game of rotten chance with certainty of death ... surely it is better to risk finding something in the Bible that makes one want to keep going and make life worth living. Your message comes through clearly in a manner quite unexpected. Excellent piece.
As a history teacher, I love the combination of historical tidbits in the describing of the trenches of WW1 and the feelings of helplessness that you so beautifully portrayed. I also loved the different ways that you formatted the piece. I might have to dig this one out when I'm teaching on WW1 and have my students look for clues as to what time you are presenting!
Well, your "creative words" moniker certainly does fit you! I found the wording intriguing and the format most imaginative. The criss-cross of the story kept me jumping with the character's thoughts.

Awesome job!
Your story is intense and one could feel the foreboding lurking just around the corner.
My one critique (and this is simply my druthers) is that I'd like to see it presented in a different format. I think the wording alone is taught enough to carry the story. I only say this because I found the back and forth from one indent to another distracting (However, I'd like to know how you did that : )) The visual impact demonstrates what the writer is saying, but the reader (in my opinion) is able from your well chosen words to understand the story's meaning. Well done.
Congratulations Rachel!
This is amazingly artistic. I can't get away from that "Whir, click." Great job.