The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a great job on simulating the tick tock of the clock with your excellent, yet different, rhythm. I enjoyed reading this right-on-topic well written poem.
Oh my! I've never thought of a cuckoo having a personality, but boy, you sure brought it out! lol. A fun and enjoyable read! I now want to find myself a cuckoo clock...
Wonderful, delightful poem!
It had me smiling throughout
And then laughing out loud.
At that point, that's a shoe-in!

Great job. :)
Very creative, bang on topic, and however did you think up all those imaginative ways to describe the noise a cuckoo clock makes??
How do you masters do this??? You take something like a coo-coo clock and make it entertaining and delightful. You made it look easy but creativly filling every hour had to be a challenge. Well done!
Ditto what Lollie said - I'm gonna look around more at household objects for story themes! Very creative.
Great Poem...and congratulations on your EC. What's funny is, I could swear I left a comment on this already. I'm losing my mind, I think...and it makes me wonder, did I leave a comment elsewhere about a hilarious poem?????
Oh, my.
mind is eaten
So I have beaten
the kids who ate it up today.
LOL--I hope you enjoyed my most embarrassing comment on FW to date. Sigh.
"Cuckoo-ville." I like that word! I think I live there...
