Previous Challenge Entry (Level 3 - Advanced)
Topic: QUESTION (S) (05/30/19)
TITLE: Bad God Good God | Previous Challenge Entry
By Wesley Hesketh
06/03/19 -
When Mom said go dress in your, "Sunday go to meeting clothes", they were special clothes for church. We knew that if we had questions about God, they would go unanswered.
When we would go to church, we had to keep quiet. It was, "Spare the rod and spoil the child" time. If you were noisy, a man would come and hit you with a long stick. It was one that could reach to the middle pew, so he could hit you no matter where you sat.
As I grew older, I learned to fear God. Jesus was never mentioned. If you sinned that was it, "God was going to get you for that." The questions you had you could never ask. The Preacher taught from the old Testament.
When I was thirty five, a new God was mentioned. But by then I was destined for Hell. But then a Man called Jesus was talked about . They said He died for my sins. I felt so sorry that another Person was being blamed for my sins. The guilt was great. I didn't know what to do. I still was riddled with questions.
Things were so bad, that at forty five, I decided to end it all. But I knew God would be mad at me if I did that.
Confused and alone, I was driving home to commit suicide. Tears pouring from my eyes. I had a hard time seeing the road. You know how when you cry, all things shimmer and are slightly out of focus. I shouted, "If there is a good God, I need a hug to prove it!!"
As I crested a hill I saw a big cross in this church. I thought I would, "hedge my bet," just in case. I walked into the church and hid in the back pew. Everybody had their, "Sunday go to meeting" clothes on but me I was dirty and my hair was long and ratted and I needed a shave.
This tall bearded preacher was preaching about God's love for me. And He said, "If you want to meet Jesus come to the Garden of Prayer." I thought this must be the best place to meet God, so I went up front and Knelt down. In my head I was saying, "God forgive me I cannot go on if you are really real," I repeated what I said in the car, "I need a hug."
This woman came and knelt beside me and said, "I know what you need", and hugged me. Nobody but God knew what I had asked for!!
Right then and there I knew God was real and loved me. I went back to my seat and filled out a visitor's card. I wrote, "Thank You God I give my life to You."
That was forty years ago. Today I am a changed man. Now I hurry to get to church. I talk to my Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, all day long. They are with me no matter where I go. There's a smile on my face and I am have a new Three in One God as my friend. There is no question about it, He loves me and I am not afraid of Him anymore. Praise God!!
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