Previous Challenge Entry (Level 3 - Advanced)
Topic: SICK (05/09/19)
TITLE: The Cure | Previous Challenge Entry
By Wesley Hesketh
05/11/19 -
after another. I stumbled through this life
in pain and suffering. I wondered why this
must be? I did not know the love of God.
I was taught God was an angry God. His
rule was with damnation. That He ruled
with a strong hand keeping a record of
all my sins. My destination was the fiery
pit of Hell.
Sad and alone I decided to end my life.
I knew that God would be mad at me for
doing this. But my sins were unforgivable.
and there was no hope for me.
As I traveled to my life's end. Distraught
and sick of the sadness I was experiencing,
I saw a sign on the side of the freeway that
read, "God loves you." This caused me to
ponder was that really true? How could that
mean old God love me? As I rounded a bend
in the road, I saw a huge cross on the top of a church.
Was this an omen?
Out of curiosity, and the need to know if the love was true?
I parked in the parking lot, and entered the church.
As I entered, I felt a warmth grow in me. Something
I hadn't felt in a long time, the spirit of love surrounded me.
As I listened to the sermon a lonely tear ran down my cheek.
The Pastor was teaching from 1st Peter when he came to the verse
2:24 "by His stripes you are healed." he continued, "It used to
be taught God was an angry God. But the good news was,
He loved us so much He gave His only Son..." John 3:16
Could He really love me that much? As I listened to the Pastor talk,
the feeling in my body felt stronger. This changed my whole idea
of who God was.
I sat there my head in my hands, tears pouring from my eyes and I prayed. "Dear Lord, thank You for showing me the love You have for me. Forgive me my sins. Thank You for giving me Jesus to bear those sins that I might be righteous in Your Eyes."
As I prayed, I felt the sickness in my body ease up less and less. I wanted to jump up and sing. God had kept His promise and the sickness was gone. I could not believe it. God loved me! I walked from that church a new man. Cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.
To this day I have trusted God with my life. I tell everybody about my healing, and how Jesus took away my sins. I walk straight and tall the sickness is gone. The depression I felt is gone. I am a happy man knowing that I am forever, and Heaven waits for me. Amen!
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