The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 935 times
Member Comments
What I liked- You have a very clear style that flowed from beginning to end. You interjected just enough examples to carry it off.
What I might change - part of me wanted to know more about the in house missionary and why he chose that response. But I liked that you said he would be praying for that person and you couldn't wait to see the outcome.
This was well written.:)
As a missionary, he is pint-sized. But that pint-sized missionary has a King-size faith.

Wow! I loved this story and it was made even greater by the twist at the end.

Awesome job! May the Lord continue to guide your quill as you write for the glory of HIM!
I'm very surprised more haven't commented on this profound piece! A child-like faith from a mere child!

I liked the idea of candles being lit for new souls won to Christ. I could almost picture little Jacob, but at first the vision I had of him was of a middle-aged man.

That last line: "As a missionary, he is pint-sized. But that pint-sized missionary has a King-size faith." was excellent! Thank you for sharing!
Your writing style is interesting! The narrative flowed almost like a documentary yet still descriptive and entertaining enough to keep me glued to the 'page'. A very good job! And like another reviewer I'm wondering why doesn't this piece have more readers? By the way: Loved the twist, it gave the lesson a powerful punch! Very good work!
I enjoyed your story. Loved the title! If only more could be as bold as Jacob. He's young enough that he doesn't know how much he could "lose," like his pride, like surface friends, etc. God bless Jacob. Like young David, he steps in to do what others won't. Thanks for capturing that image! By the way, don't be concerned about the number of comments. Some weeks are just very busy!
I like your concise, to-the-point message. Skillful writing! Congratulations!