The Official Writing Challenge
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You have a lot of information packed into this sad story. My heart ached for the little girl and the bumbling best that the parents tried to muddle through.

Often with true stories, there are too many details that are imperative to you, but not really needed for the reader. I think testimonials can be some of the hardest things to write. My main advice would be to pick one aspect, tighten it up, add a conflict or two, along with body language, dialog and thoughts and lots of trimming.
This is just a very rough example to show you what I mean:
Since Mum passed away before I turned two, my memories of her came from photo albums and the stories Daddy told.
It was hard to keep up with older brothers, but my little legs chugged right behind them. I'm not sure if someone broke something or the chaos was too much for Dad (or maybe the neighbors), but Dad started hauling us off to the beach. He'd come home from work, drop his briefcase, and whisper, "Who wants to go to the beach?"
The squeals of assent were as much of the routine as gathering shells and dumping sand from our sneaks.
Suddenly,everything changed. Dad brought home (even today I can't think of her without wrinkling my nose and my stomach doing flip-flops) Lisa.
He had a goofy grin. "Kids met your new mom."
I swallowed back the tears and glanced at the photo album, which had been conveniently placed up on the top shelf. <i>Who said we need a new mum, especially one like her?</i>

I know I practically rewrote the story, and I don't mean to hijack your childhood. But in cases like this, it's often easier to show than tell. I tried to set up the special relationship right away. I also introduced a conflict. Even though it's nonfiction, a real conflict is quite likely. By adding body language and dialog that may or may not have happened, I turned it into creative fiction. The most important thing is editing details so important to you, but not needed to move the story forward,

The general gist of the story us still there (I hope), but there is also sadness and a sense of urgency to read more. You have some incredible talent. You placed me right in the heart of that little girl and made me want to help tell her story. You have passion and probably 1000s of short stories like this. I urge you to make time to read and comment on every story in this level. If you can only say one thing you truly liked, then do that. Soon, you'll be able to find one thing that didn't feel right to you. Write that too, but don't forget to include the positives too. I try 2 for each critique.Start with a positive and end with one. (Sometimes finding a couple of positives can be a challenge in itself, but pray and God will open your eyes.)
Your story was definitely on topic. The funny thing about growing up, it doesn't always happen when we are little. I sense a deep desire in you to keep growing.
Next, since we have a mini break, I want to challenge you to comment on every entry this week. I believe the more you read and comment, the more you will grow and you will amaze yourself with what God has in store for you. Sit down, because I think it is something huge. Don't give up and don't let discouragement control you. God has great plans. If you need help or want took ask a question, feel free to PM me. God bless and don't stop!
Shann did such a good job of critiquing your piece I feel that anything I would add would be redundant. It is such a good storyline. I will be watching to see what you write in the future. I find so much help on the forum site, I want more! God bless.
A very nicely written picture of a "Time growing up with boys" with one who knew both the joys and sorrows and not afraid to share.

I liked it.
I know its very tough to lose a mother at such a early age. I also know what it is like to have a stepdad and stepmom. When Jesus is not put first in the in the home it can spell some very difficult times.

I want to encourage you to pull your reader into whatever you write. The first paragraph, even the first sentence should hook your reader by the collar and make them listen.

Some stories and testimonies end tragically and not on a positive note. You are here and able to write about your story to help others, giving glory to Jesus. Thank you for sharing your testimony with us.

Your story has a lot of potential. Keep writing allowing God to shine through