The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Being a picky eater as a child, I could relate to the cream of spinach incidence and had never heard of green apples to settle a stomach. A lot of memories and I enjoyed them too.
This would be great as a bigger story, or book of memoirs... lots of interesting information looking back... and your characters are so colourful - I really enjoyed this!
To say that I too remember my grandfathers "outhouse" not only dates me, but brings back memories like yours. We'd catch fireflies and put them in a jar (with small openings for them to breathe) and use the jars for our flashlight to go out at night...instead of using those..ahem, "buckets". Thanks for the delightful stroll through Memory Lane.
A very nostalgic look back at the good old days. I wish I had been able to experience them, but I grew up when computers began to take over. It would be fun to be able to take a time machine back in time. Actually, your story acted as a time machine of sorts for me. I really enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for sharing.
I agree, 'some things are never forgotten'. I love those old grandma, grandpa memories. Good trip and good job.
What a trip! I remember trips to the outhouse! Definitely fast affairs--but then again, so were the chamber pots!! LoL. What a memory!