The Official Writing Challenge
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Oh dear, I would have tracked that night caller down and wrapped a windmill around his neck. Is that a Christian thing to do? Thought not! But isn't it amazing, the unlikely sources of inspiration to write that God gives us?

I enjoyed this, first because it's obviously a personal account and also the image it conjured up of you, bleary eyed, wearing your night cap and bed socks and answering the phone with 'umfphglp.' You certainly achieved nocturnal bliss destruction status!

You've packed a lot of fun into this humorous peice, along with your message. A thoroughly entertaining read.
Hahahahahahahaha...This was a great tale, I loved it. And, isn't He amazing that He gives us stories from anything and everything?

I'll remember this long after I've read it. As for you, I hope your new friend doesn't disturb you any longer...

God bless~
As much as possible, live peaceably with all men, a scripture advises. About 3 a.m. sure puts the spotlight on "possible". Enjoyable read with a good message.
A sinner, eh? You have an amazing storytelling presence (that transcends the written word)! Wow! I thought the repeated "power of one" was great. Many of your phrases are lol hilarious! Your, "years of practiced phone etiquette came to my rescue" and "our phone had decided to enjoy a repeat run of its earlier fifteen seconds of fame."  were a couple favorites. I completely enjoyed this. Your message of reaching that isolated person is ultimately what it's all about!
What a delightful read and, certainly. we can identify with your nighttime test(s) from Holland. You've done a terrific job entertaining as well as making a powerful connection with God's marvelous truth.
I love the way you presented the point that a message given to us by God, (even if it does come by some unpleasant means :) ) can be multiplied, as the message is then shared with others, who in turn share it with others…and so on. Terrific way to show the topic “repeat” and a delightful and insightful read!
Wrapped up within the humorous distractions, was a powerful lesson in the importance a single person, event, vote or missed number can be. Great job on piecing it together and making a powerful lesson out of humbling and awakening event.
This is great! I love it, and all the parallels. Nice job!
You make even a 330 am call in the night sound so interesting. I loved this story and the message you send with it.
Excellent, as always.

God Bless, Lynn
It wonderful how you were able to take a life lesson and work it into this weeks challenge. As always your stories are entertaining with a punch.
This is a tremendous story. I loved your voice, it totally envelopes the reader. At once we, the reader, are an outsider looking in to the life of another - foreign to us - while, at the same moment we are in complete empathy with your MC. I especially like the way the message was presented. If we but take a moment to look around and observe - God's lessons abound in our everyday lives - to which this point was well made by your article.
What a grand story--and what a grand message!
Great word pictures, great humor, great message!! :) You made me smile with lines such as "Call me unreasonable if you wish, but at 3:30am, I’m not changing my name for anybody." :) Your descriptive words and phrases were a delight to read, and your thoughts on the "power of one" made me think, too! Nice job!
"One secret vote and two repeat visits by the same unknown night caller thus became something to connect with thousands of un-churched readers. I hope that some responded to God’s grace, and even shared whatever they discovered with those around them."

Proof that God uses everything that happens in our lives for His glory. So enjoyed your entry. Keep writing.
You had me from beginning to end, I wish I could write like this... "The Power of One" all by itself (even without a 3:30 AM caller) is fascinating in so many ways. There is so much that wouldn't have happened or even existed if it weren't for that one thought; one comment of encouragement / discouragement and as in this piece that one number. God uses all things for good and I am for 1 so glad that this happened to you so that you could share this wonderful gem of a story in just the marvelous, most humorous way that you told it!