The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1058 times
Member Comments
This is an awesome story. It took me back to one of the favorite times in my life--working as a maternity nurse. I loved the gentle nature of the MC. You did a fine job.
Such a tender story. In our "look out for number one" generation, it's refreshing to read a story of compassion and genuine concern.

Wing His Words!
Felt as if I was right in the middle of this well written tale.

Nicely done...I enjoyed this.

God bless~
AAAAAWWWWW! This is great. I'm assuming you as the author are one of the characters, and I can't help but wonder who you are? :) Nice job with this.
I love the parent's concern for their children, and the nurse's reassurances that there were others praying for them. Nicely told.
Oh, what a tender, touching story! I could almost feel the poor parents' fatigue and their relief at the end! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this well-written piece!
I enjoyed reading this tender story and was happy at the outcome. I also think you must be the nurse because of your medical terminology. I loved your descriptive 'squirming wrinkled preemies.' I don't think that was written in the text book. HeeHee! Great job!