The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1452 times
Member Comments
I read this through 3 times and each time found something more to take from it and linger over it. A different format but a most effective one!
Thought-provoking for sure and excellent writing to boot! writing, in format and in sentiment. I really enjoyed this beautiful piece.
Great job, Verna! I love the challenge of following a structured form of poetry. This is beautiful!
Anyone who can master this poetic form is brilliant. I love this. This "rare gem" shine!
Lovely! It's quite a challenge indeed to write in such a complex form, but you do it superbly! A joy to read and to savor.
Absoultely loved this. It should be considered a chest of jewels, so many gems of truth - and truth, after all, is the rarest of gems. Going to print this one out for remembrances on bleaker days.
You write so many gems I cannot call this rare, but congrats on a great job. This form isn't easy and I loved what you did and said through it. IN fact its one of my favorite forms and I enjoy when artists use it correctly and with purpose; which you more than did.
So creative and unique! Wow. WOW!
The repetition in this poem is so effective! It totally builds on itself and becomes quite powerful by the end.