The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1504 times
Member Comments
This powerful story is masterfully told. This presents a terrible chapter in America's history.
Wow. The voice of this is really, really good. I want to know the rest of the story...except I suppose I already do. You captured so much story in this one quick snapshot. And I like the subtleness of the topic.
Oh, wow. Excellent job with dialect, setting, characterization. I was completely engaged all the way through this. Absolutely masterfully done.
This has a "To Kill A Mockingbird" feel to it and that means it is very special. Well done!
I loved every word of this! Absolutely authentic in dialect and atmosphere, and a heart-wrenching look at a terrible time in our history. Oh, and also...I really want to know the other story, about the poor little burned boy. Promise me that you'll tell that one sometime.

This is just excellent!
You kept my interest all the way through. Your dialect was excellent and I love the voice you gave your MC. Great writing my friend.
What great writing! So sad, though. I just can't imagine living through those times. Wonderful job!
Excellent storytelling and very well written. The details and mood of this sad story are prefect.
Excellent story! I did get a little confused, because it seemed the voice of the narrator changed after the first line of the fifth paragraph. After that, it gelled, and I was hooked.
Your clues were sooooo good.
While so sad and the ending inevitable this is one of my favorite entries this week, if not all quarter.
My heart breaks over stories such as these.
Great voice. Others have mentioned works your piece reminds them of. It reminds me a bit of the song "The Night That the Lights Went out in Georgia".
I hope that's ok. This was an excellently written great read.
Great atmosphere and authentic feel for the period, and a great examination of injustice running rampant. The fear of the innocent is tangible.
This reminded me a lot of the John Grisham novel/movie "A Time To Kill." Wonderful writing about a really sad period of time. Prejudice like this still goes on in some parts of the country, but thank God that it is a lot better than it used to be.

You are blessed with a wonderful writing ability. I appreciate you sharing it with all of us.
What a great period piece. Your writing is so authentic. Dialog is perfect, too. A heap of kudos on this one!!!
This was so moving. You have the dialect and attitudes down exactly right. So very sad that this really used to happen and even sadder that the victims accepted it because they really did have no recourse. So very, very well written.
The song "Strange Fruit" comes to mind.

Very well done, excellent! So sad that these things really did happen.
Well, done. The realistic feel and everything. It's so sad too, makes me wish there were some way to see it all 'set right'. Good job with atmosphere and everything. ^_^
Wow! The dialect is perfect. You've captured the mood and the hayhem. I'm impressed! Excellent writing.
Blessings, Cheri
Extraordinarily well crafted story. Consistently tense and at the risk of sounding cliche you "stuck that landing" perfectly. I loved the MCs voice throughout.
Congratulations on your EC, Leigh. I really liked this piece and am so glad to see it place. The voice was excellent.
I'm very happy to see this place high. Excellent writing. :)
Wow...very difficult to read, which is a tribute to how well you wrote it. You did a fantastic job with this.
Great job, Leigh - congratulations! It's good to see your name again. :)
Congratulations on your placing and for writing with great creativity - masterful and authentic.
You did an excellent job capturing the horrors and injustices of white bigotry. The charaterization and voice were incredible. Congratulations on an extremely well-written piece. This tops my list of favorites! You have set the standard high for those of us who are still trying to hone our skills.