The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I love the contrast between the church bodies. Very good take on the topic.
Very, very nice story! I liked the pace of the story and appreciated the anointing and talent displayed here. God bless.
What a contrast! You did a superb job, especially, of showing Stacy's emotions and frustration. I'm sure this happens a lot. I LOVE the hope at the end!
Encouragement really affects our lives - both when it's given, and when it's withheld. Nice job of showing both sides!!
I actually got a little angry at your fictional church family (Stacy's). For this to happen in real life (and I'm sure it does) it pretty pathetic.

I almost laughed when Stacy was given a plant that was left from a funeral and almost dead. You have great details in this. It's nicely written. I think Stacy needs to go to church across town too.
As a past church secretary I was able to relate wholly with your setting. Thankfully my experience personally was awesome, but you made me feel along with your MC how desolate I would have been had my experience been otherwise. Great job of reader involvement.

And welcome to Texas! I hope you'll enjoy your stay. We're supposed to have a weather change for Thanksgiving - much colder.

God bless!
I've seen a similar situation, but in the case I'm thinking of, the pastor's wife was flooded with support, while another young woman was left to fend for herself. It doesn't matter who the people are, God wants us to minister to and support ALL of His children. Good message and strong characterizations in your story.
Very engaging story, and I love the way you contrasted two churches. Very realistic, too. I once visited a church with my baby, only to receive repeated harsh glances when she fussed.