The Official Writing Challenge
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“Instead I whispered a prayer for him.” I loved the way you concluded this piece. Great message!
A realistic tale! Very visual, without going into lots of detail. I came aground a bit with Mr Turner and Mr Tanner - was it a typo or are they different people. If they are different people it's not such a good idea to give them similar names. My husband is one of those lighthouses and boy, do they value prayer. yeggy
Great description and message here. Great ending, too!
Very good--my daughter's fiance' is doing a lot of subbing right now, and it's certainly a challenge. You've nailed it.

A personal preference would be to leave off the "ring ring" at the beginning. It's just as effective without it, and since those words don't really sound like the ringing of a telephone, it starts your story off on a jarring note.

I like the little hint of wry humor throughout, and the peek we get into your protagonist's thoughts.
I agree with Val about the names confusing me a little because of being so similar, but I still enjoyed reading this.

I really related to the joy she felt by finding other believers. I get the same way when I see Christian bumper stickers on cars as I drive, especially ones for the radio station I'm listening to. It's nice to have reminders that we're not alone in the world, no matter how dark things can feel at time.

Hope you find many more beacons of light as you finish out your days of subbing. :)
A realistic snip of life told with the voice of one who's been in public school trenches - praying. I enjoyed sharing the emotion of your character. Thanks for the hopeful ending!!
The challenges teachers face these days are too enormous to be experienced without prayer. You have exposed this problem well and ended your piece with hope and prayer and this makes me feel good.
Well done Venice! Boy, do we need thise lighthouses in our schools. It's also sad our children aren't challenged today to be the beacons they should be. "Politically 'Correct' has become the poison of today.

But anyway, this was very well written and I felt I was right there experiencing all the same emotions.

Well done girl!