The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I love this beginning with your title. Your metaphor and story are haunting and the futuristic aspect is fascinating. And should the Lord allow the earth to continue (as it did in your story) your ending would be wonderful.
I was absolutely engaged in this, from beginning to end. Great voice, and message.
You artfully kept us guessing while weaving bits and pieces of the story together. You wove it all together very well.
Wow. You really hit the nail on the head when it comes to the dangerous direction our country is headed. Full-speed 'round a cliff in the pouring rain. My prayer is that the hope-filled ending of your story will become our nation's reality.

Excellently done! BIG congratulations on your 3rd place Editor's Choice and Master's win!!!
Stunning. Captivating from the first paragraph. I loved this imagery:

"We too often sit like frogs in a pot, unaware of the water boiling around us."

Ah, please God, let it be so...a return to things that matter in our nation! You're always a favorite of mine. Congrats on your placement and God bless!
Dear Michael,

Thanks for a terrific story on moving too fast and forgetting the important things. The line that really struck me was, "As I rest atop mortality's cliffe watching from a distance."

Congratulations on another well deserved EC win. I love to read your writing. Keep up the good work!