The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Ooh, I like this so much. Your writing skill put me right into the mind of the character.
You portray the situation with real empathy.
On a personal note, it's been a bit like that for us this year, lost retirement when company faltered, lost equity in house when mortgage company failed. And yet, God has been so faithful.
Your story of hope is special.

Love the story and the way that I (the reader) senses hope from reading it. It is very clear here where that hope comes from. Very encouraging.
Everyone will be able to relate to this story. Those of us who are blessed to still have jobs see people like your MC every day. Thank you for this eloquently written look at what it's like on the other side of that hand sticking out. Bless you!
This is a wonderful story with several good messages. Congratulations on your EC!
This is a wonderful story with several good messages. Congratulations on your EC!
I always enjoy your writing! Very pertinent story for today's economy. Your MC could be any of us. Congrats on your placement and God bless!
Your timely story is so well written, directly revealing the man's soul through his thoughts and action. Congratulations on EC placement.