The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very clever! Love that the husband recognizes a winner in a Proverbs 32 wife.
I've been a bit in awe of the Proverbs 21 woman myself. Cleverly written poem with a just-right conclusion.
I enjoyed this poem for its entertaining content, perfect rhyme and the fact that you based it on Sripture. A+ in my book.
LOL! I love that you made up the "Proverbs 32" man. This is wonderfully entertaining with a message! Great work!
Oh, that Proverbs 31 woman. *groans* I feel the same way. Good job!
I enjoyed all the humor sprinkled throughout this verse. Then I have a Psalm to read.
Oops I meant I need to read Proberbs 31:)
This is absolutely one of the best I've read, anywhere, for a long, long time!!!
The rhyme was spectacularly done; the wording solid and full of imagery and passion for your plight. I grinned widely all the way through, and laughed outright at the ending. Excellent message, with that lovely spoonful of sugar to help it go down. Very well done!
I absolutely loved this, especially the last stanza! Made me laugh. Great job!
This was a hoot! I really feel like this sometimes.
Oh, this is great. So much fun with an awesome message to boot. Well done!
Congrats on your Editor's Choice award, Melanie! I'm still smiling over the Proverbs 32 man. :)
I really loved this. The ending made me smile. You portrayed the 'perfect wife' very well, and especially the MC's feelings for that woman. I could really get into this. Good job.