The Official Writing Challenge
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A story that needs to be told again and again to help others break out of an awful cycle. Nicely done.
Wow... this was heart rending. I hope others read this and are encouraged to speak up as well.
It pains me to know that this is not uncommon in today's world--and the children suffer in so many ways. They need to tell someone they can trust to help them--keep telling this message.
I know this happens all over the world, but it is still shocking to hear the details, since the emotional abuse also leaves so many scars. I'm glad you tackled this subject. Great writing.
This was very well written. How sad to think how many children are abused like this. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
Thank you for writing this. I know how hard it is to tackle this subject. Last week my entry was on incest. It, too, was hard to write. These stories have to be told again and again. It is epidemic and often swept under the rug. Your writing handled the subject just right. well-written and thought out.
This had to be difficult to write. It was difficult to read--because of the MC's pain. Powerful.
Such stories never stop being shocking...or painful. Good job.
You did an excellent job of putting the reader in the child's place, and helpipng us feel her pain.
This was a difficult subject presented excellently. I wanted to stand up and cheer for the little girl and to be sure she was placed in a caring foster home.
wow! Great tells all.