The Official Writing Challenge
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Last line was a "got-cha" moment for me. I've got a friend who is a cat lover. I'm going to have to share this with her.
I'll admit to being doubtful at the title ... but this is well thought out and the construction is great! And the last line brought it all together. Good job!
LOL! Why do dogs hate cats? LOL! This is cute, love the poop scooping. Nice job, O Pack Leader!
Great fun. I love it...especially the last line. :)
Great metaphors, lots of imagery and nice alliteration! All make up a great poem. Good job!

My favorite line is, "The tree-lined path is her office, the park bench her desk
The suburban sidewalk is her Iditarod trail"

Also, love the last line.
I will never despise dog-walkers again - as long as I live! Great sense of humour and word-painting.
This is fun, and the last line makes it priceless. Well done!
Ah ha, very nice, cute and well worth the read.
LOL, this is cute. Way to stretch for the challenge! :)
Your wonderful poem proves there is a touch of greatness in every job-even the scoopers can have their day in the sun! Fun reading.
I suppose evil, as beauty, can be in the eye of the beholder! (At least in this case.) Very cute.
This actually reminds me a little bit of Carl Sandburg's famous poem about Chicago--I love the line "scooper of poop." I'm just weird that way.
I really like the pictures you painted of the dogs.
Wonderful imagery - "A thirty-four-footed super spider, creeping through the neighborhood."
This cinched it for me. Really enjoyed this fun romp through the neighborhood with all your charges - thanks for allowing me to tag along!
No wonder this got "bought up" - and no wonder you're in masters. I hope you continue to write poetry, because you clearly have a gift for it. Wonderful.
Some classic lines. An overall GREAT poem from my favorite canine poet. God BLESS!:)
Definitely put a smile on my face. Nice work!
I really enjoyed this. Alot of nice visual elements mixed with humor. The ending is great. Congrats again on the sale. :)
Very nice! I love the image of the sidewalk Itirod. Being a dog owner, I guessed what menace was lurking. :)
Fun and delightful!
Very enjoyable. Lots to amuse me here. Thanks for sharing it
This was delightful to read. I loved it!
Hehe--that's great! ^_^ The dog walker truly is a hero of sorts, lol.
I love this! I laughed out loud at the "scooper of poop." My son is "starting a business." His "brochure" says, "Got Poop? I'll Scoop!" LOL
Too fun. Great entry!