The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Last week, someone said they wished to see something "lighter" from this author. Here it is and I LOVED IT! Very funny, very sweet and good messege thrown in. So, so good. Got my vote!
ROFL!! And so are the days of our lives! Filled with the passion of the bold and the restless! With only one life to live...go for the remote!! (Great writing, of course!)
I usually don't comment on other writer's work (I'm a lousy critiquer)but this piece reminds me SO much of my wife and me. Great job!
What a hoot! I loved it from beginning to end.
Abosolutely wonderful, this is a delightful and fun re counting of many Christian husband/wife teams. Great job.
Wonderful! Great job! You're great at humor and satire, as you are in everything you write. You have a great fan in me.
Loved it! I may only have 5 kids myself, but I could totally relate. :)

Wonderful through and through, but I especially liked the "spinning whirl of Cheerio dust"
Wonderful fun! I am curious as to how you know what "a month old graham cracker found behind the car seat" feels like on your tongue! LOL! Sounds like the tv needs to be turned off while they clean the house! Which reminds me... "SOMEONE CLEAN THIS HOUSE while I'm on the computer!" LOL! Great writing as usual, certainly held my attention and I enjoyed this 'real life' moment! Definitely a high noon piece!
Once again great descriptions! We wrote on the same topic but from different angles and I liked your better...dang it! What a well rounded talent you are!
Funny and all too true! I loved all the references to baby stuff.

We women sure do have our ways don't we. Resorting to tears and other forms of manipulation to gain control of the classic! However, your characters, if they are not careful, will be needing more baby stuff and then you will have a novel on your hands!

You have a wonderful future ahead of you Maxx. God Bless!
Very funny. Brought back memories of when my son was a baby. Good job.
What can I say that hasn't been said? Everything about this piece was great - the humor, the flow, the characters... yep, you've proved yourself. You rose to the challenge. Great work, as always!
I might find this story entertaining in a secular type magazine; however, I did keep with it to the end find the control. Thanks for sharing.
Ugh ... a slimey pacifier in the ear!! What a fun piece - briliant work - chuckling as I type.
You made me laugh out loud several times! This is top-slot winning material, Maxx.
Maxx - this was one of my personal favorites. Exquisite! This entry has it all for the reader. A joy to read!
Breathe, breathe....I think I'm hyperventilating! This one took my breath away!!! ;-D

What a tale - from menacing to slurpy. Just amazing.
I read this outloud to my husband and both of us laughed out loud several times. Great Job!
Very, very funny. Clever. Loved the play(s) on words.
Oh so funny! Great job, Maxx. I loved the whole thing - every too-familiar word!!!
Love it Maxx! I don't how you were able to pull at so many emotions, but you did!For instance, the first line made me prepare my a dark, twisted tale. The second line drew a smile to my lips and I waited anxiously to see what my eyes would be awarded with. By the middle section I was ready to slug the husband and my the end I was like "I want to be there!" LOL. laughter, exctienment, suspense, hot steamy romance (kinda), what more can one ask for in a story. I forgot to check, but did this one place? I loved all the countless referances to little kiddie toys and objects as well as all the food names thrown in there. I found it really helped to picture the whole family scene. ok, for the "bad" points. I didn't think "coming" had to be in the first line. It sounded disjointed from the rest of the sentance. That was it. I'm sure there was some grammer errors or something wrong with the story that some smarter person could pick up on, but my grammer mind is fried at the moment.Oh, and I loved th eplay on words that you throw amongst this story. Very well done. A wonderful read.