The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a sweet story. It makes me want to get to know Phoebe better. I got a little confused by the ending, though--with Mama teaching Sam to read and write in Braille. Was Sam blind, too? If you ever get to publish this story, that might be a detail that you clarify. The essence of the story still comes through, though, and so does the message of your heart. That's what I like best.
I enjoyed your story a lot. Perhaps the last two paragraphs let it down it a little though - Why does Sam have to work hard producing vegetables? And is he blind as well as deaf (if so that would probably be better introduced earlier in your story). Sorry for that bit of red ink. Overall though, it is a sweet story with its happy ending.
This was an adorable and sweet story filled with love and emotions. I enjoyed it so much and loved the ending. Very nice job.

Well written and well done!

God bless~
A plausible story for the setting of time and place. People would do those kinds of things back then and there.

The age of the girl might even been correct.

The story reminds us of "a different time".

The child reacted to her emotions and knowing the truth caused her to take matters into her own hands.

Nicely written conclusion to the needs of both children.

Enjoyable light reading.
These are delightful characters. I fell in love right away. I liked your fresh take on the topic. I could see this develop into an ideal YA book and hope you will consider doing just that. You certainly have the talent.
very nice story. couldn't help wondering if it's real or not.
I enjoyed reading this. I do like a happy ending. You did a good job.
Congratulations, Lynn!

Wing His Words
Congrats Lynn! I loved this adn knew it was a winner all the way! Nicely done my friend!

God bless~
Congratulations on ranking 2nd in your level and 17 overall! Happy Dance!