The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow! Excellently expressed in every way. Love that you used Wilberforce as the voice of your MC. I hope you'll send this on to the White House after this weekly challenge is over.
Oh, excellent!
I love this - creative imagination, good writing, and a passion for justice. Write on, my friend!
Excellent, well written, creative and bang on.
This stunned me with its outstanding craftsmanship, but what I loved most about it was its humility and respctfulness when addressing a very passionate issue. This is a rare gem of an entry.
Wow. This is awesome. The writing style seemed authentic, and the passion so pure. Excellent, excellent voice.
Bravo, my friend. This was masterfully written, with perfectly poised passion about a delicate and dividing issue. Superb.
Wow! Very impressive treatment of two delicate subjects here! I am a great admirer of Wilberforce and am pleased to see him "star" in your well-executed story! :)
Thank you for this powerfully timely piece. Having Wilberforce as your MC was a brilliant choice, and I hope you send this on to the Whitehouse. You handled the subjects of slavery and abortion in a tactful, respectful way--Great job.
Simply wonderfully written, full of passion and truth. Who could offer a response to the contrary? And yet, this goes on in our world today.
Powerful argument "from the grave".
It has all been said and I agree... masterful writing.
I love the perspective of your mc, such a creative view. And the message is a good one, I had never compared the horror of abortion to that of slavery, but murder is murder, yes? Thank you for reminding us of our responsibility to life, through your letter to our president.
Imaginative! It would totally freak me out if I received a letter from a man dead 200+ years. YIKES! It would get my attention though. Nice job!
Superb writing! Two thumbs up!
I agree with Lisa, the tone and cadence and even word choices reflect the era that Wilberforce lived in. That made this letter very believable.
I cannot disagree that the tone and writing skills here were superb, but I will not EVER agree that the comparison of slavery and abortion are on the same level. Equally vile? Yes, but if anyone thinks that slavery has been totally abolished (in the United States) then you need to think again. What happen in slavery still affects this generation today. You read a constitution that was written over 200 years ago, that said All Men created equal and it takes 200 plus years for a African-American to get elected. The US Senate still only has one Black American. I am truly disappointed that so few actuallly get it.
I agree with C. Clemons that it has taken an unjustifiable amount of time for racial equality to be truly established in these United States.

But using the same argument, I pose this question: How many generations to come will the choice of abortion affect before equal rights is extended to our unborn? All racially induced hate crimes and wars combined over the last 200 years do not even touch the hem of the millions of lives lost to abortion since its relatively brief but rampant inception in our world.

This is not a separate issue from slavery or any other human rights issue in the world; this war is the one and same overall fight for the sanctity of human LIFE.

At present, the unborn do not even possess a voice by which to decry their slayers. We are their voice in this world. I say, let us band together in the unity of our Lord Jesus Christ to let the injustice be known.

I refer you to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for worldwide statistics on abortion: