The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is absolutely beautiful. I love the "inkiness leaking away" image and the pastel brushstrokes. Very lovely...and it makes me want to visit your apt to watch a sunrise!
This is totally awesome. What a devotional ought to be--inspiring and with a true revelation. Thanks so much for sharing this.
P.S. I loved the Bible quote, too. My Bible says it different.
Very nice. I like the analogy in this piece.
To be honest, when I first saw the numbers and what looked like an equation, I was somewhat intimidated. However, once trusting this to be a devotional and not a math exam, I continued to read and was not disappointed by the message you penned. God is the source, how lucky are we to concieve and finally believe it.
Wonderful comparison. We reflect His light.
This is one of my favorite devotionals this week. I think it would be just as good and maybe less distracting, without the pop quiz, however. I, too, love the beauty of the sky and enjoyed your insights.
What a completely creative and insightful devotional! I just love it.
After reading, I felt the pop quiz was unnecessary, as what you wrote was so incredible on its own. But the title would not stand without the quiz, and the title is what drew me in.

I thought this was a tremendous devotional. It causes its reader to come away both encouraged and rightly focused.

Great job! Thanks, Cheri
Hee, hee... one more and you'll be a Master. Congratulations!
I really liked your analogy. Congrats on your win!
Thanks to everyone for their kind and helpful comments. It's so difficult nowadays to get into the EC, so I feel very honored by being chosen.