The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1535 times
Member Comments
thinking,wondering, considering, pondering whether to read this poem again. It has a rythm like dropping, pinging, dripping, falling rain. Yes, I will read it again, and again.
Good read!
I strongly agree with, David. This deserves reading again and again!
This is absolutely stunning. I wish I was judging this week--I'd give it 5's across the board. What more can I say? Just...perfection.
most excellent. I really liked this. You had good word use, great message, captivating meter. A few places I had to re-read a line to get back in rythm but that was probably my stumble, not the writing. You'll do well here.
I missed some commas. But since I knew how it was supposed to go, it was hard for me to remember to put them.
Very good. Good rythm, good message ... I enjoyed it very much.
Very creative use of word and rhythm. Great message! Very well done.
Not only brilliant, but one of the most satisfying reads I've had here.

If the editors don't publish this, "I'll be a blue-nosed gopher!" (to quote Pat Brady from the Roy Rogers show).
Absolutely love the rhythm and the message! Amazing!
Amazing. Your rythem, word choices, and message were profound. I loved it.
Sue, I guess this week I'll have to be that digging rhodent with the funny-looking nose...No matter what, this piece is a BIG WINNER on the 'Sherry Awards' list! Keep on!
Hee Hee, for every blue-nosed gopher there's a very grateful writer.
Wow that was cool! a very unique use of words :)
Outstanding! Such strong and fierce word pictures. My heart pounded quicker with each line. Great job!
I've read this one before, - loved it again. Great rhythm, and the last line makes me gasp.
Sue,this is just beautiful in every way! I don't think I've read any poetry you've written before. I'm glad I followed your link!
Best of the Best!! Master writing! Thanks for the blessing!
Wow! This is a truly wonderful poem.