The Official Writing Challenge
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We never heard of the Limbic System in nurses' training (maybe it wasn't discovered til later!), but something about particular smells acts like a time machine. A door in the brain opens and we're suddenly transported to another time and place. (And, I forgot I was going to write something about that the next time something about smell came up for the WC!)

You told a very true-life story illustrating completely how that sense of smell does more than just identify flowers and food. It is a key to memories. Well done!
It's amazing how smell can take us back. This story is about a mother's love and a great reminder to trust in God. Sometimes it's so difficult to wait. You described the emotions of the mother so well. After all parenthood is a huge roller coaster ride.
My heart ached for Mona and I pray that I never have to go through such an excruciating experience. Have had some pretty "ugly" mishaps with the teenage years of my life and my daughters but I am sure nothing compared to this. I was so glad and relieved for the happy reunion.
I enjoyed reading your story about this young woman and how she found her way home. I could feel the pain and concern of the mother.
This is a great example of a Godly mother. Love this story!