The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
How thankful I am that Jesus frees us from those chains and gives us life! Thank you for this poem.
Wow very emotional and powerful words.
Great title, and wonderful description of the oftentimes difficult and painful journey through life. Loved the honesty and transparency in this entry. I also liked how you didn't wrap it up all nice & tidy-like as you closed the poem, but ended it with a question. Praise God that YES! God does bring about many resurrections in our lives and sets us free again and again - from bondage to sin, discouragement, depression...and draws us out of the ashers. Bless you as you continue to write, so that others may find life!
oops, meant ashes, not ashers!
A beautiful poem saying so much about lost hope, new hope, second chances, praying that perhaps the cries would touch His ear.
One that touches the spirit
I can relate to tunnel vision, that's for sure. Very nice poem.
I can relate to tunnel vision, that's for sure. Very nice poem.
Wow...this is excellent. You escorted me on a journey into an abyss of terror (a life apart from God) and then lifted me out of the despair with the wonderful message of second chances.
Touching, emotional, compelling. You've got it all with this entry. Kudos !
I like the natural flow of the poem. It almost has a "King James" sound in some of the words but without forcing them. (I hope that made sense.) Great message as well.
What a thought-provoking message in perfect rhyme. I can't get over the line 'and missed the worthwhile things'. Sometimes, that's where I let my thoughts go. Back to a past where I wish I had made better choices.
Haunting and so very well written.

Nicely written piece that speaks to the heart. Shows clearly where we stand before and after in leaving behind our wounded past to give way to life and a brighter future.