The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1635 times
Member Comments
You have several excellent analogies among your descriptive paragraphs. Well done.
Awesome story with a wonderful lesson tucked inside.
Liked the parallels between the walnut and your MC's life--each maturing over time with God's help. Nicely presented.
Great story with some really good life lessons. Congratulations on your EC.
Great analogies and wonderful truth presented. Well written. Congrats on the EC!
Beautifully written. I liked your colorful analogies and I can relate to the nut, being one myself, grin. I liked how the lessons the main character learned weren't overshadowed by resentment or bitterness but a new way of looking at life, acceptance and maturity, a perfect ripe fruit with a not so perfect shell.Nice job and Congrats on the placing!You go girl.