The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments

Clever piece of writing ... and a good healthy attitude about the reality of passing years ...
"My sense of humor’s still intact" It certainly is. What a funny way to show a few of the losses of old age.

I do think that if you could've done so, you should have split your last verse into two developed verses. It plunged the humour into two serious concepts right at the end without quite doing justice to either. Perhaps another line about serious losses, and then something about NOT losing faith to start the last verse.

One thing this did do for me (apart from make me grin) was to put into perspective how much the little things youngsters take for granted have the power to make life much more worthwile.
I totally ENJOYED this! Love your humor!
I'm always drawn to poetry and this was delightful. Your poem was filled with all the reasons older people really need to keep their sense of humor. And it ended on such a hopeful note for believers. Thanks for the smiles.
This poem is so very funny -- mostly because it's so true! I'm reading it to my Sunday School class this Sunday. They will love it.
Very good poem with wonderful humor! Well done!