The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1113 times
Member Comments
You drew me in with your mysterious MC and kept my attention throughout. In retrospect, your title (which is PERFECT) held a clue. (plus all the clues throughout) You get a high score on the creativity meter for this!
Fun and interesting and on topic. Learned something about the lyrics.
I thought this was a FUN piece! Very creative and "out of the box"--(pun completely intended!)--Enjoyed the suspense of not knowing who the mc was until near the end-
How very, very creative...and delightful! You have a gift, Bryan. Keep writing and stretching yourself. Good stuff!
This has a sad, mystical quality about it...almost enchanting but for its melancholy. I sensed at the very beginning the MC was a doll, had I been more alert to the nuance of the title I would have guessed more accurately the Jack-in-the-box. In a way the article had shades of the Velveteen Rabbit, wit the Sara making him real. Good job!
I love this! It is creative and charming. Well done!
Poor Jack had been forgotten...

It's been so long since I heard that song, but the tune popped back into my head as I read the words.

I kept wondering who or what your MC was, and then the unveiling. Very nice.
Great title! What a creative, fun entry. This must have been a blast to write. Well done!
This is definitely out of the box.
I love the creativity, and I learned the something as well from the footnote. Nicely done.
Poor Jack. This is a unique twist on this topic! You certainly created a character that has my sympathies and you brought back some childhood memories, too.
Took me a while to figure it out- loved the suspense. You've written well and showed emotion with your words. Very nice.
What a well-written story. I enjoyed the MC's voice and character. It was fun trying to figure out who he really was. Enjoyed the lesson at the end as well.
Definitely way up on creativity. I thought at first your MC was a discarded puppet. Well done, this was very, very enjoyable despite the melancholy.
Very creative writing and great title, too.
I just had to keep reading until I knew what this was about. My guesses went unfulfilled. I really appreciate the note at the end. Great job keeping interest.
Thanks for reminding me of the "real" Jack-in-the-box (rather than the fattening burgers I usually think of!). Very creative. I enjoyed this!
Extremely creative and out-of-the-box writing for this week. You had me guessing at the MCs identity for a while there. At first I thought it was an old man in a nursing home thinking back on the good ol' days. Then I realized it was a toy talking. Fun stuff!