The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
A precious slice-of-life, very well written.
Well-written with vivid descriptions and emotions.
This was excellent...I loved it.
Absolutely MASTERFUL. I had an inkling what would happen, but I kept hoping against hope that I would be wrong (I'm WAY too optimistic LOL). Your descriptions are absolutely wonderfully vivid. This truly touched my heart. Wow.
You gave us a wonderful character and filled her with the love of her family.

I was touched by what seemed to be a regular appearance of one of her children.

Well done and enjoyable.
Your story is beautiful and heart-warming with a goosebump ending. I love it.
Even though I knew what the ending was going to be, I still was so sad. You certainly brought this woman to life. Excellent writing!
Oh, dear! Tissues please! Very creative, very well written - love everything about it, even that you made me teary. Congrats, my friend, in my opinion, this is a winner. :-)
Very touching and warm, though the end is sad. I like the progression through her memories and the way you made the MC very real through those remembrances.
I have a huge lump in my throat and I'm fighting tears as I write this. Your story dear Marita was beautiful. Full of love, warmth and memories. What a wonderful Godly woman you have introduced us to. Well done.
Oh my! So very sad! I thought that she would die, but being right just made it more sad. This is well done, the descriptions and the memories and everything. It's like a glimpse of something through the window. Nice job! ^_^
This was so good. I loved the way your reflected on the home. I knew she was going to die peacefully and that is definitely the way I would like to go. Did catch the use of word "here" instead of "hear" but other wise this was absolutely perfect in every way.
Great descriptions, I like the memories wrapped in as she looks through the photos. Nicely done.
I love this story, Marita. I agree with all the other comments, but do you know what made this really great for me? The morning sunrise going from gray to red showed clearly that change was coming and it would be beautiful.

I think this is one of the best you have ever written.

(By the way, as an ex-writing buddy, you did have two small errors in the same sentence. One has already been mentioned earlier... have fun finding the other. I will PM you later if you don't find it.)
Wow. This is so packed full of emotion. You can tell a good piece of writing when your emotions sway back and forth in tandem with the words. This story did that to me.
Wow, Marita! I think you left us all in the dust with this entry. Exceptionally well written. I was afraid throughout that the foreshadowed ending would be abrupt, but you eased us into the inevitable gently enough not to break the tone. Fabulous work!
Congrats on 7th place overall, Marita!!!! I am SO happy for you! ;)
Way to go, Marita. First place in Advanced and an EC... it comes as no surprise to me. Your entry is worthy of this recognition.
What is this, your second EC this quarter? You will be moving up to masters soon my friend. Congratulations! :)
Oooh, congrats! I'm so glad this one made it! Way ta write! ^_^
Congratulations on your EC. This is an outstanding story. Very well written, and excellent voice. Great job with the topic.
Not too many really make me weep but this one did. Absolutely beautiful.
A well-deserved win. I love that she "felt God near." It transformed the ending into something glorious rather than sad.
Marita -- Congrats on your 1st place (level placing) and your EC!!
Congratulations, Marita! I love this story! (PS:Come to Ohio anytime-we'll find a buggy to ride in together-LOL)
I can see why this placed. Touching story!
Wonderful heart warming story. Perfect conclusion too, it is the family members who make the home. Congrats on placing.
Congratulations for your winning entry! We, newbies, can learn a lot from excellent examples of writing like yours. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Amen to Allen's previous comment - thanks for teaching us. I love how you wove the forewarning of the end into the beautiful memories. Wouldn't we all want our last moments to be so peaceful?