The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 3309 times
Member Comments
How wonderfully you showed evangelism without a single "spiritual" word! This is an excellent analogy.
Very creative. I can see the illustrations that will go with it already. Nice.
Wow, I'm speechless. This article is so deep on so many levels. A non-Christian with deep hurts who sees a church that does not reach out to him, but tries to give him quick patch ups without inviting him into their contented lives. I was so glad when finally at the end someone was willing to get involved in his life and introduce him to Christ.
Wow. What an imagination. This is an incredible take on the topic. (And very well written.)
Super-duper!! I could see it all happen. I loved the details you put in to show each person could have easily helped, but didn't. This one carried a punch with it! (ouch.) Great job!! Hugs!
I'm speechless! Brilliant, magnificent, and incredible are just three words that come to mind. I am in awe of your imagination! What a!
Great, just great. Beyond kool and creative. God bless.
Man oh man, did you ever nail this topic, and so subtly and yet vividly, too. This is one of the most creative entries I've ever read. Excellent-one of the best ever.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. (That's a HUGE compliment). This was wonderful.
How do you do it? And everytime! I wish I knew how you come up with this stuff!
Brillaint, Masterful, excellant, and all those words!
I absolutely love analogies and this one was even sprinkled with times for giggling:) Wonderful job -- as always!
I am captivated by your analogy, as well as your ability to put it in a way my "common brain" can grasp. Masterfully written.
Excellent analogy. You really made us feel for the guy. I was so frustrated by those who reached out--but not enough. Then I was convicted. I'm thankful for the red hair girl. Good job.
Wow! I loved it. You were not only out of the box, but you left the building with this one Jan. You gotta love the red-haired girl. Excellent!!
Brilliant - on any and all levels.
Entertaining and creative-just as I was hoping. I loved this touch with the flaming head. This was so real, I felt as if I could've been the red-headed girl watching this whole sad story unfold. The bit of humor with the marshmallow factory was just priceless.
Nicely done and very creative. Congratulations!
Congratulations on another excellent piece. I should have known this was yours -- another way out of the box piece. Your creativity is amazing.
Jan, I just HAVE to tell you how much I absolutely loved this piece. It was hysterical, deep, convicting, and an absolutely amazing read. So much depth. Congratulations isn't enough.
Congratulations on your 1st place!
Oh Jan, you are amazing! The Spirit speaks through you and you are gifted abundantly. The story is simply outstanding! Creativity is flowing in you and nurturing your readers.
I certainly can't say anything that someone else hasn't already complimented you on. This is just marvelous and so very deserving of 1st place. Many congrats!
Congratulations! I am speechless. I hope I can be half the writer you are some day.
What is interesting to me is that the one who had "been there" was the one who helped the most. (I am experiencing this in my life now. Everyone is helpful, but a few know exactly what I need.) Ditto on ALL the rave reviews and congrats! You are inspiring.
Just had to see what everyone was talking about ... and I now I see why.

Once again you carry us along as we float above this world on your words. We are suspended in time as we read.

Great job Jan. Congratulations.
This just blew me away! You are the absolute best!
Outstanding, thought-provoking, convicting... a contender for 2008 Best of the Best!
This is wonderful!
What is so amazing about this story is that even knowing it was allegory every time the man's scalp caught fire I found myself reaching for my head in empathy. I could almost feel the smoulder. And how vividly you brought out the message - why in the world to we beat all around the bush instead of just pouring the water of Jesus' love on those who are burning for it? I won't forget this one, probably ever.
Jan, I checked out your profile, as you often rate si highly in the challenge competitions. Are yo any close to getting published? Thanks too for your imput on my articles.
Your EC is very well deserved on this piece. Congratulations.
Oh Jan, this is so awesome! How the Lord surely annointed this piece Jan! I was engrossed, moved and humored. The ending was great. I love your descriptions and your nicknames were accurate.:0) Wow! Congrats on winning 1st place hon. Keep on being used by the Spirit-Praise the Lord. Janice:0)
O.K. I'm hooked. Can I follow you wherever you go? Seriously, I appreciate all you contribute to FW.

Oh wow! What a powerful piece. This brought tears to my eyes. You're right this type of writing is difficult and I wonder if not everyone gets it, but you do it so masterfully. I think it would become your favorite genre!