The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This story haunted me. The characters came alive for me with their realistic dialogue and vividly contrasting personalities and viewpoints--though I found so many viewpoints in such a short story a bit confusing at first.

Am assuming Max is an angel--a wonderful twist that I was not expecting! He was very believably portrayed and I could feel with both him and with Kathy. Great job!

How many times,as a young woman, God has intervened for me when I got myself into areas of temptation! Good story. Well written.
Gritty and realistic.
Oooh - a Max story! So compelling and real. Unique take on the topic, done wonderfully!
This is beautiful! There is just something about the way you crafted both characters that leaves a strangely familiar feeling once you've read it. I liked the twist at the end and the conflict in Kathy. Great work! ^_^
OOh, we kinda thought along the same track this time! Yours is much better, though.
I liked the white light surrounding them, it was such a nice touch and really helped the reader to picture Max as an angel or as a messenger directly from the Lord. Great read!
Great story! I liked the back and forth, showing where both characters were at the same time... also the twist at the end with Max's disappearance. Very well done.