The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What an enjoyable read. I, too, am a Tolkein fan and my children after me. Bless you.
I can't help but think that JRR would be tickled at this hidden character lurking in the margins of his books. You've done him a great homage, capturing perfecting the Tolkein-ian voice. Highly amusing!
Now Tom, you should go on so, 'tweren't fault that creature slipped taking that old Gandalf with him. You know how damp it can get in them old caves.

And to think, poor ole Frodo still with out his kercheif.. It's just a wonder to me how you managed to get back out of that hole in first place.. was right neighborly of you to help that poor creature out getting crossed the mountain.
Er ... I guess you know you've done well with your characters when they start getting their own mail! Thanks Pup, Tommy says "Hi".
I just wanted you to know, I rated this quite high. You are such the writer. So well written. To understand the craft enough to emulate a style like Tolkien without sounding hokey or trite. This was absolutely stunning!!!! Now go help Helen wrap some more presents. According to Helen's comment about the kids not being able to get out the door, clearly you need more.