The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very intriguing take on the fall - and the topic. Creative - and I was engaged throughout. Nicely done!
This is definitely out of the box. I really enjoyed it. I know some people don't like it when writers write about something that isn't straight out of the Bible, but I love this kind of fiction. I often wonder what Lucifer was thinking and how things were before the Fall. In fact, I asked my minister to do a Bible study on it. There really isn't a lot about it in the Bible, just a handful of verses in Genesis, Daniel, and Revelation. I find it intriguing because I can't imagine knowing Jesus in that way and then turning against him. I think you did a great job with this. You used a lot of facts based on the Bible and filled the rest in with your imagination, which is what a great biblical-fiction writer does.
Congratulations on your 3rd place award in level two.

I liked the eternity feeling to this - being able to see the future and past and present at the same time.
(It feels good to be writing again, doesn't it?)