The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I really liked this. It certainly fit the week's theme of 'sellout', but a much stronger feeling hit me from the moment Matthew and his mates came back for him - vulnerability. This was a great perspective on this often-told scripture, and I'll be back to read it again. Thanks and well done.
I enjoyed your persceptive on a familiar story. Good message and it has a nice flow. Good job.
Great job re-telling an old familiar story. Good writing skills. Keep it up! God bless!
Yeah liked it a lot, great take on the story, well worth reading and nicely written.

You asked for criticism the only thing I can really say is that I did not need the last paragraph.

The whole story is very well written and even though I know the story so well, I was gripped until the end. That is quite a gift you have there.

Wonderful voice and great descriptions. The only jarring things was how he went from the roof to the floor at Jesus' feet. Suddenly he was just there. But what I loved most was that he was crippled when he fell off a roof. How appropriate.

Oh yeah. I love the title too.
You did a great job with the retelling of this story. I didn't realize what it was until they climbed the roof. You did a great job in retelling it in clear words and with an element of suspense.

You've probably seen this but you used covert (which means secretive) instead of covet.

You did a nice job of pulling the topic into this story too. Your MC was believable and the dialog realistic. It took me back to Bible times. Nice job!
I enjoyed the read and the fictionalized account of the event. Great job!
This is unique; I love the point of view. The narrative held my interest throughout. This was very well written. I especially enjoyed hearing how the MC felt about everything. Excellent story!
Second Place!!! Woo hoo!! Congrats!!