The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 523 times
Member Comments
I like this. I don't get the whole, be a reader to be a good writer thing, but I guess I should try it. Love your last thoughts on fiction. If only non-fiction wars could end in 80,000 words or so.
No truer words were ever spoken. One must read all sorts of things to learn. Reading is part of writing. I loved this and in my opinion it's a winner. God bless.
I love This! I think I know who You are?
Mum's the word. I especially liked the line with "whocaresastan." lol.
Good job
Your writing didn' bore me, and I have small attention span. Romanian Vampire vs. Jesus. I pick Jesus too.
It is so true that we all have different interests as we are all unique it makes perfect sense. I'm glad ou stated reading again. Almost any successful author will tell you one of the best ways to become a better writer is to read, read and read. Good luck and never give up because you never know what may happen.
Bang on topic. And by the way I thoroughly enjoyed Wildfire too! Boy can that man spin a yarn.
Keep on reading other people's entries to pick up ideas and hints. And make sure you have a look at Jan's class on the Forum.