The Official Writing Challenge
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Even though I know what it's like to be without an earthly father, I will never know the trauma you have suffered. Keep the faith, God has - and always will - see you through.
What a testimony! And you have been faithful to share. The Lord will multiply your words to touch the lives of those who can truly understand & need encouragment from one who has gone before.
Beautiful testimony! Thank you!
Sometimes, I wonder if satan still goes before the Father asking for permission to devastate us to prove to God that we don't really love HIM, and that if He removes all the blessed things in our lives we will curse God....I experienced a situation recently that was just too much, and I also was very, very angry for a long time. The incredibly good news is, of course, that our Father waited with open arms for me to climb back up on His lap. Maybe if we could remember to direct that anger at the destroyer, it would do some real good.....
This broke my heart. I'm so glad you have a friend who can point you to the Lord for comfort.
Very well written, too. You evoke strong emotions from your reader. That's a gift!
Wow -thank you for sharing that. It couldn't have been easy to write about such painful memories. God bless you!
How do people without a heavenly Father cope with the hard patches in life?! Thanks for sharing.