The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 931 times
Member Comments
This shows tremendous promise! It's really compelling writing, and it gripped me from beginning to end--it just begs for a few edits to make it an incredible piece. Some switches in tense..."my wife and I" at the end should be "my wife and me" or just "us"...that sort of thing. Really, really good though...keep writing!
Very, very good! My only suggestion would be to put the "flashback"s in italics perhaps, thus making it a bit clearer to the reader; however, I thought it very well done - I liked it! Kudos.
Nicely done. Held my attention the whole time. I agree with Marilyn on the italics. Great job!
The fall from the mountain scenario has a switch from present tense to past tense, which needs to be corrected.

Also, some clarification is needed between the fall, the remembered conversation with the soon-to-be-ex wife, and the continuing story. Maybe the remembered conversation(s) can be put into italics for clarity?

I was confused by the door imagery--if the main character is walking through a valley (i.e. outdoors), what door is this?

Otherwise, good imagery and descriptiveness, very good interior dialogue and thought processes.