The Official Writing Challenge
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We have to be reminded constantly to be on guard of our thoughts. They can draw us away from God and being faithful to him.

I like the circumstances in the Bible around the verse: "I know the plans I have for you." Very interesting.
I love how the patient's mind goes from slogans to scripture. Such a reminder of what we need to do daily--replacing the words of this world with the only Word that matters. I have had my share of doctor's visits and even lumps removed. I am always way more nervous than I should be during those visits. I need to keep this lesson in mind.
Congratulations, Pamela, on your 1st place win in the Beginners Category and moving into the Intermediate category!

You had me guessing the whole time what the news would be. The ending was well done.
Congratulations on ranking 1st in your level and 20 overall. The highest rankings can be found on the message boards.
This is a great story. I gripped at the end because in the old days they called them Bible bumps because they would take a big Bible and pop the cysts. I loved the irony in that. You did great.
You wrote an excellent encouraging piece. I enjoyed the MC's scriptural thought pattern while he waited. Congratulations on your level win.