The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very interesting. Maybe you could have added Dawn's own words about the car and the bed instead of just telling us.
This is a great story. You have some great life lessons in here. My favorite is once you give a gift, it is no longer your business. That's really wise, and not everyone could let go, unless God helps them of course.

My biggest red ink would be to make it pop a bit more. In the beginning, it drags on a bit. You really don't need all of the back story. When telling a true story, it's difficult to figure out what is important to the reader, because it's all important in your head. I'd urge you to start off with more of an attention grabber. Set up the conflict (even though it's nonfiction, it is still full of conflict) right away. Also be careful about POV shifts. You can't know what Dawn is thinking, and actually your point shows that in the end. For example, how do you know Dawn was looking for full-time work? I'm guessing she told you and of course you saw the applications in the end. Instead of stating that she's worried about money, show it. Likewise with your husband being concerned about you giving up the bed. Did he have a furrowed brow while asking if you'd regret it, or perhaps he paced back and forth when you talked to him about it. By adding dialog, body language, and your thoughts, you can perk up this good piece even more.

I think you did a great job of writing on topic. It's so sad how people take advantage of others, but encouraging to see people with your great attitude.
Pat and Shannon, thank you very much for providing specific feedback. This is the type of guidance I am in desperate need of. You have challenged me and I will revise, per your suggestions. What you suggested makes sense and I didn't even think to approach the topic with more of Dawn's "voice," and not mine. Thank you for taking time to read it and provide guidance.
This was a well written expose of a girl named "Dawn". It will leave readers, as it did the author, wondering what was next on her exploits to deceive? Would she be as successful the next time as she was this time? Where will she end up?

This is such a good story. I think we've all been conned by people like Dawn. What's sad is that some people get jaded and cynical about helping others after they've been conned. God help us to be sensitive to true needs.
Congratulations on ranking 1st in your level and 19 overall. The highest rankings can be found on the message boards. I'm so happy for you!
I personally was engulfed in the story. Regardless of the other comments, I thought it was well written, and engaging, because I could not wait to see how it ended.