The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Although you show insight in this piece, it was difficult to read due to improper punctuation and no spacing between paragraphs.
This is an excellent testimony, but I agree with the previous poster. It was difficult to read due to lack of spaces between paragraphs.
Your honesty brought tears to my eyes. I could see remnants of myself in your story. It is important to focus on Jesus, and in today's busy world, things like the Internet, TV, and even our jobs or family can all take precedent over our relationships with Jesus.

Instead of using modifiers, pick verbs that will paint a picture for your reader. For example this:
I found it very difficult to ask for help from others.
Can be switched to:
I agonized over asking others for help.
Overall, though I think you did a splendid job (sure you could add white space to make it easier to read and watch out for run-on sentences, but those are tiny details), and it took courage to share such intimate thoughts with others. God has a plan for this though, and by sharing these times in your life, you're allowing the Holy Spirit to work in everyone who reads this.
Congratulations on ranking 9th in level one. The highest rankings can be found on the message boards.