The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 540 times
Member Comments
Well, I'm not a mouse lover, but you almost convinced me. loved the rhyme!
This is a cute approach to the ark story; would make a fun kiddie book.

If you try to go further with this one, you might want to format it more traditionally like a poem--shorter lines, maybe with an abcb rhyme scheme.

I enjoyed your cast of characters.
I liked the way the lady mouse was fussing about their accommodation.
I found it quite distracting the way you had so many main characters giving their own perspective. It would have read more smoothly if you had stuck with the mouse or the reporter or Noah.
Loved it! One of the best stories about Noah's Ark that I've read. With your permission I would like to make a copy and share it with a young youth group.
What a pleasurable surprise ending. Loved it!
Very creative. I sometimes think it would have been OK if Noah left mice behind, but these two are so cute, I guess it's OK. Good job.
A delightful, fun story. A little tweeking will improve it and others have made suggestions. But, the concept is outstanding and I commend you for your work.
This would be a delightful children's story. I can see the pictures vividly. Well done.

Before you hit submit, if you hit the preview button you can see how your words will look to the reader.

You did an amazing job with the rhyming. Very cute story indeed.
I had to laugh at "what will they do with all the poo." :) And thank you for answering the age-old question, "What happened to the unicorn?" :) I enjoyed this!
Congratulations on the top 15 in your level!