The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1046 times
Member Comments
As your clearly intend, your 'unknown' missionary comes across as much more noble and compassionate than your 'famous' explorer. Yet I can't help but feel that you have been rather harsh in your treatment of Mr Bingham. Was he really as godless and self-centred as portrayed?
An interesting contrast. I think it'd be more effective if the two men were given equal time, so that the second one is as developed as the first. Then we could understand his motives better.

You have a great "hook"--I really wanted to read more.
Hi Mary. Just wanted to leave a quick note to let you know your entry "Do No Harm," actually did very well in the South America Challenge. Although you didn't receive an award, you made it into the Highest Rankings for Level 1, placing 13th in Level 1. Competition in this level is always very intense, so well done.

If you'd like to check the highest rankings for yourself, you can find them here:

The highest rankings are posted every Thursday evening on the Message Boards.

You definitely deserve a pat on the back. Well done. With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)