The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
A very powerful message. There are so many 'semi-christians'in this world who filter the Word of God to suit their own way of life. Thank you for speaking boldly.
I agree, powerful.
Good devotional--I thought of Jonestown immediately when I saw this week's topic.

I'd suggest that you avoid using dictionary definitions in your writing. It's just not the most compelling way to make your point.

How sad that so many people were deceived!
You have obviously done your homework here and pulled together an impressive list of verses and definitions. Here's my suggestion on how you could have made it even more engaging - by expounding some of the key teachings and practices taught by Jim Jones and showing how they relate to more orthodox faith.
Hi Dalyn. Just wanted to leave a quick note to let you know your entry "Truth or Cult?" actually did very well in the South America Challenge. Although you didn't receive an award, you made it into the Highest Rankings for Level 1, placing 9th in Level 1. Competition in this level is always very intense, so well done.

If you'd like to check the highest rankings for yourself, you can find them here:

The highest rankings are posted every Thursday evening on the Message Boards.

You definitely deserve a pat on the back. Well done. With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)