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In the fifties our church sponsored a European family of four; Mom, Dad and two teen boys, to come live in America. As pastor of the church, Dad had approved the sponsorship of this nice family. The father was a well-qualified experienced cabinet maker and quickly obtained employment.
The family was so happy to be living in a free country. Their lives were not their own in their homeland. The Dad related how he would have to work a week for a pair of shoes and a month for a suit. The wife could not freely shop the grocery store and the teens had no freedom to roam and play.
Unlike the rest of the family, the wife had a bit of a struggle with the English language. She said she would go to the meat market and ask for a piece of meat ‘so long” then when someone would visit and leave, they would say “so long.”
The boys really loved the freedom of playing with the neighborhood gang. What I found so funny was when they needed to make a pit stop, they always said they needed to find a “Gulf”, as all service stations were a Gulf to them.
The father’s first work transportation was a motorcycle, which he would wash every weekend. Then, when he graduated to a car, he continued this weekly customary ritual.
One thing I remember, the wife was such a good cook. They would have our family over for a meal, at which I would pig out. Her Hungarian goulash and pigs in a blanket was to die for.
You'll probably gather from this blogs, that I’m very much concerned with the direction in which our great republic America may be headed. It is surely an uncharted course, to say the least. But we’re not in the belly of the whale just yet. (Jonah 2:2)
The following excerpt, taken from the jacket of Dr. David Jeremiah’s book entitled “I Never Thought I’d See the Day” kind of sums it all up.
Yes, I can only imagine what this country might just look like, some fifty-plus years henceforth.
Please take a few minutes and read on. I entitle this blog “FROM THE HEART, AMERICA.”
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight. Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks, who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent." (Isaiah 5: 20-23)
I have just about stopped watching or listening to America's news broadcast media, be it television or radio, fiction or non-fiction. Why listen to an indignity which is making mega bucks broadcasting what's apparently not worth two cents as far as our godly principles are concerned? Simply put, it's not politics, but Good (Galatians 5:22-23) -v- Evil (Galatians 5:19-21).
So, here goes, my take on it all. I started my day as habitually as usual; making the coffee, grabbing a delicious sweet roll, and reaching for the TV remote. That’s what got me to thinking, it was the TV news; just another day in America’s societal exchange, from good, to bad, to evil. (Ephesians 6:12)
First came the horrible pictures, followed by the captions and the related comments which, by the way, were not so kind to your average everyday red blooded American!
The street riots, the destructive annihilation of locally-owned businesses, the tearing down of America’s historic statutes. The abusive X-rated signs, the evil talking interviews, and the injury inflicted on the local police and medical personal attempting to restore law and order. This can’t be America, I thought, but it was, there in plain sight on the TV.
To add fuel to the fire, a number of governmental authorities were being interview on TV and were supportive of this mass chaos. The TV commentators didn’t give America much relief as well.
I felt like quickly pulling my old Army battle gear from the closet and getting ready for action. But that wouldn’t work. Those shoes don’t fit me anymore. You see I’m older than dirt and twice as gritty; old enough to have my Bible autographed.
That didn’t stop this old worn out mind from working overtime. For the life of me, why all this evil promotions against this great country of ours? Surely not all are now against America. Why are these factions, such as the news media, some congressional representatives, and even some religious leaders, against this great country? Why give them all the free air time?
My suggestion, from this old battled-hardened soldier to those so involved; if they can find a better foxhole, then go get in it. As for me, I will always stand, hand over heart, for America’s flag waving National Anthem. I’ll always shed a tear or two on Memorial Day. I’ll always kneel for prayer. I’ll always say “thank you and please.” I’ll always expect each day to be fun. I’ll always take a walk down to the local drugstore for an afternoon soda and a bit of fun conversation.
So, I thought I’d tune in the cartoon channel to intensify my intellect. That didn’t work either, for the cartoons were giving out those subliminal hidden socialistic messages.
Oh well, life is depressing enough without some expert commentator telling me. So much for the cartoons. I just love those TV home and garden shows, - the ones that tell me how to remodel my home in three days with a budget of a few thousand dollars. Maybe I’ll just tune in. Forget that as well. My green thumb has long left me.
I must admit, I'm not the smartest fish in the pond, but I do have some logic. Politics is what you make it. I think I'll drive down the street and visit my favorite "fast food" joint for a mid-morning snack. Maybe that will take my mind off all these TV untruths. For you see, with a coupon I can get the gravy and biscuit and the senior coffee for less than two dollars. If I'm lucky, I can join the other seniors in helping solve the world's problems over my cup of decaf coffee.
Or, if I'm energetic enough, I'll just mosey over to the gym and work out on my free senior pass, by joining all the other senior Mr. American's. And, since I feel so good, I may just hike out to the old woodshed, uncover my old '49 model classic car, and try once more to get it cranked. After all, the third time is the charm, right?
“Hun, is that you doing all that loud snoring down there?” was the call from upstairs. “Yes dear, I’ll be right up to help with the daily chores,” I answered. Not to let on I had sneaked down to my man cave and momentarily fallen into my customary snooze-land while sitting there in my old Frazer Dads green faded worn-out recliner, the one held together with duct tape. I even forgot my daily Bible reading, our pastor had assigned us.
End of story of continuing to keep America great again. Amen!
I trust you enjoyed this little modern-day fiction parable, this earthly story with a heavenly meaning. I must admit, I’ve traveled many roads in my lifetime. Some good, some not so good. I’ve crossed many mountains, just to get to the valleys. I’ve crossed my share of never-ending bridges. I’ve swung on many make-believe stars, without making a wish. I've tried to follow many dreams.
So, I trust and pray that you are on the path of continuing to "SPEAK FROM THE HEART, AMERICA."That God’s principles will always take center stage. For Scripture plainly tell us that God places whom He wishes in power, to affect His will on our lives, and our country. (Daniel 2:19-23)
I close this blog by passing on an appropriate comment freely tossed about on Facebook. The originator is uncertain.
" Yes folks, I'm speaking from the heart. I will always stand true for my convictions. For the second Amendment. For the supreme court justices. For the electoral college, and the Republic we live in. For the Police, and law and order. For the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. To keep "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. For the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. For secure borders. For the right to praise my God without fear. For every unborn soul those want to murder. For freedom and the American Dream. For good and against evil. I'm not standing just for one faction; I'm for the future of my Country! What are you standing for my fellow American?
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