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On February 14, 1981, thirty-five-year-old David Stewart took a night off from teaching theology at Biola University. He wanted to show his wife, Francine, who worked as a Hollywood actress, how much he loved her by cooking lasagna for dinner and baking a delicious chocolate cake for dessert. Their two children, seven-year-old Gabe and five-year-old Annie, would be at sleepovers at their friends’ houses, so it would be just David and Francine. They would enjoy a romantic dinner and delicious dessert, dance to Luther Vandross, and just enjoy a quiet and cozy evening. Usually Francine worked late as an actress. David worked two evenings a week, but he always got home before she did. He figured she would get off early tonight, though, since it was Valentine’s Day. Francine was working on a sitcom about a disgruntled suburban housewife entitled Woeful Wanda.
David wanted every inch of him to look and smell perfect by the time his wife got home. He showered and shaved for about twenty minutes, then proceeded to comb his dark, curly hair to perfection. After brushing his teeth, gums, and tongue, he gargled for about thirty seconds. After he put on a nice, blue shirt and black pants and put on some cologne, Annie ran into the room. “Daddy, Mommy’s on the phone!”she exclaimed. Then she smiled. “You look and smell really good, Daddy.”
David smiled and picked his daughter up and held her on his lap. “Thank you, pumpkin.” He hugged her close, then grabbed the receiver by the end. “HI, baby, what’s up? Can’t wait to see you tonight.”
”David, I won’t be coming home tonight,” Francine said.
David was disappointed. “Um, OK, but I cooked dinner and dessert. Maybe we could have breakfast.”
”No, I mean, I won’t be coming home, tonight or at all.”
All of the blood drained from David’s face. “What?”
”I realized how much I can relate to my character, Wanda, in the sitcom. I am discontent as a wife and mom, so I am leaving Gabe and Annie with you while I pursue my career and move in with Jeffrey Orson, one my directors.”
David fought back tears. “Isn’t he married?”
”He’s leaving his wife for me. We’ve been having an affair for a few month.”
David, totally stunned and full of anger, hung up the phone. He turned to his daughter. “Annie, Daddy needs some time alone for a little while. Go play with your brother or in your room.”
As soon as Annie was off her dad’s lap and in another room, David closed the door, screamed, and threw practically everything in his room.
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