In just a few short months in 2020, the democratic countries of this world have turned into almost police states because of a mild flu virus, which has been hyped up to become classified by the World Health Organisation, as a deadly disease. This disease was reported to have originated from a wet market in Wuhan, China, which was denied by the Chinese authorities. It was then reported that the virus was released from a Wuhan Biological warfare centre, again the Chinese authorities denied this and retaliated by saying it was released by the USA. Videos were broadcast all around the world of dying Chinese, either on the streets or in hospitals. Where these real pictures or were those supposedly dying from the disease just crisis actors? One thing is certain, the USA were complicit in the making of virus’s by funding the Wuhan Biological Warfare Centre, and the Gates Foundation has an invested interest with a large financial input into the making of virus’s for vaccinations. Is it therefore possible that the events in China were staged? - just like a Hollywood movie; financed by the House of Rothschild bankers fronted by the Gates Foundation and Anthony Fauci, the USA’s Chief Medical Officer? Was this part of the plan to bring about a technocratic world dictatorship? Time will tell but we certainly seem to be heading for a dystopian state. No matter which country was responsible for the virus, the mainstream media refused to bring truth to our screens, instead they hid much of what was going on and reported only what their financial masters wanted the viewers and readers to see and hear. The more lies they could tell and keep telling, eventually the masses would believe them. Fear became endemic. As the scenes played out on our TV screens, our government, along with most other Western democratic governments, gave daily updates on the number of deaths from Covid-19. Statistics were shown to viewers, giving the number of new infections, making it look as though everyone who came into contact with the virus, died of it. Our own British prominent scientist – Neil Ferguson was so far out with his predictions of death rates, predicting 250,000 deaths, which was about as accurate as a wild guess. (As they say about computer figures – ‘Garbage in Garbage Out”). Finally, he had to stand down because he did not follow his and the government’s own lockdown guidelines. His demise however, did not stop the false information flowing out of daily government briefings.
Every death was being recorded as from Covid-19 until it reached around 41,000, but these figures could not be verified and later had to be reviewed and reduced to 29,000. Even these revised figures were debatable, because many of those who contracted this ‘virus’, did not die FROM it but from their underlying health problems. It will probably never be known how many actually died from the disease (If indeed there was a novel virus, which is still debatable), nevertheless, the governments of the world kept churning out death statistics to keep lockdown and facemasks normal. Anyone who made a telephone to their doctor with a few flu symptoms were being recorded as Covid-19 infected and had to isolate for two weeks.
During this time the NHS began removing patients from their hospital beds, in particular older patients were sent home or back to their care homes with some later dire consequences.
Then came the 23rd March 2020. The government tells the people they are on temporary lockdown and must remain at home. The two-metre rule begins. Instead of isolating those believed to have the virus, the government chose to put everyone under house arrest. Just two days later the first UK hospital closed its doors to new patients and locked out those who desperately needed treatment. With dire consequences for some.
In April, after more than the two weeks expected for the lockdown to be lifted, which it was not, the British Medica Association issued ‘revised’ (a word that will become used many times by the British government over the next few months), guidance on how deaths from the virus should be recorded on death certificates in England and Wales. Doctors were told it was acceptable to use Covid-19, if they ‘suspected’, not confirmed, that a patient had the virus, even if the deceased did not have any test to corroborate the doctors assumption. One particular case was the case of a young girl who fell off her horse and it kicked her in the head killing her. To the horror of her parents, the death certificate read she died of Covid-19, because the doctor ‘thought’ she may have died from the virus even though the girl was never tested alive or dead.
On top of this, anyone at home who had a few flu-like symptoms, such as a cough or a tightness of chest, were told by the media to phone the doctor. Once a phone call was made to a GP, the doctor could diagnose the individual with Covid-19, over the phone, and tell that person to self-isolate. The GP could then add this person’s name to the statistics he was sending back to the BMA.
If everyone had listened to the PM when, in the beginning of this ‘pandemic’, he suggested herd immunity, as in Sweden, the virus would have petered out much sooner with the same or even less deaths than what has been attributed to this virus! However, the PM caught the virus (or did he?), and was out of the picture for a few weeks. Briefings were then given by individuals such as Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer, who, after putting the fear of God into the population, moved over for the Health Secretary – Matt Handcock (a person with no medical training), to continue scaring the population into doing as they were told – along with threating everyone with police action and fines if they did not follow government guidelines and advice.
Let’s now take a look at why the governments of the world have chosen to inflict so much harm onto their people.
1. Beginning of the Pandemic/Plandemic. The supposed initial outbreak of this flu later termed Coronavirus or Covid-19, occurred on 17th November 2019. According to the news, it started in a wet market in Wuhan, China. (It was surprising that video from China found its way onto the main stream Western news, when in the past it has been quite impossible to see any domestic video from this closed country). Although it takes around three months for a virus to mutate, nevertheless we were informed that it was detected in France on 27th December 2019, supposedly from a French national, who was initially infected somewhere between 14-22 December 2019. Jumping to 13th January 2020, the World Health Organisation informed us that the Coronavirus, previously contained in China, had its first case outside China, in Thailand. However, they subsequently backtracked and confirmed the first case was in France. Although this virus was classed as novel (new), and governments still do, even though on the 11th February 2020, the virus was named SARS-Cov-2, which means it is genetically related to the SARS viruses, (which are Coronavirus’s (flu)), one of which was responsible for the outbreak in 2003. The World Health Organisation (WHO), then informed the world this was a ‘novel’ virus and gave it the name Covid-19.
On 19th March 2020, Public Health England under the control of the British government downgraded Covid-19 from a High Consequence Disease (HCID), but then brought personal health equipment under their control.
2. Care Homes. On April 2nd, further clarification on removing more care home residents from their hospital beds back to their care home was given. In England alone, there were 5,700 care home residents, many who are known to have died. These deaths were then added to the governments annual briefings as death from Covid-19, even though there is no definitive proof that any of these elderly people actually died from the virus?
As I said earlier, the word ‘revised’ would be used extensively throughout this pandemic. On 27th April, the WHO revised the timeline for the first case of the disease to occur outside of China. They said it now did not occur until the 13th January 2020. (Why did the WHO make a revision of its own report?) They also stated that the virus was around in November 2019 but again revised this to mid or late December 2019. If the virus was in France by mid-December 2019, then surely it would have gone across Europe by at least mid-January 2020. (That is supposing the virus was as virulent as it has been made out to be or even if there was a virus at all?), but if their revised date of 13th January is correct, then surely the virus would not have spread round Europe until February or March 2020? The only thing this proved, is there was NO pandemic and even if there was, it is in no way as dangerous as the WHO made everyone believe.
A virus takes around three to four months to spread in the northern hemisphere. As a result, there were very few deaths in the UK by the end of March 2020, allegedly (if one can believe the statistics used at the time), 700 deaths from Covid-19. This is probably why, (as mentioned earlier), Public Health England downgraded the disease.
3. Clapping for the NHS. It was at this time when hospitals were advised by the NHS to send anyone who does not need to be in hospital, to go home. Can anyone see anything wrong with this? Were hospitals full of people who do not need to be there? Of course not, but sick and dying people were sent home. By 15th April 2020, there were still 28,116 sick or dying patients to be sent out of hospitals, either back to their own home or care home and at the same time hospitals were closing. Other hospitals were no longer admitting new patients, including those from care homes who desperately needed help. It was around this time that we were all encouraged to stand at our doors and applaud the NHS for the good work they were doing in our hospitals, even though many hospital beds where empty and nurses and doctors, instead of twiddling their thumbs decided to make videos of themselves dancing in empty corridors and wards, whilst new Nightingale hospitals were being built around the country to accommodate the hundreds of thousands of projected sick and dying patients, that currently have never materialised. (Where these hospitals built because they plan to fill them with ‘second wave’ patients?)
At this time, the British Medical Association once again advised GP’s and hospital doctors to enter Covid-19 as the cause of death on all death certificates, even if the patient was not given a test. This would ensure the government received the statistics it wanted to justify the lockdown they had imposed on the British people.
4. Supposed Massive Spike in Deaths. Suddenly in April/May 2020, there was a supposed massive spike in the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19. This occurred because many of those old and sick people who were removed from hospitals and sent home or back to their care home, eventually succumbed to the illnesses they went into hospital for. Many doctors had refused to treat them in care homes therefore many, as I have said, died.
Even though the majority of these deaths were due to underlying illnesses, most of the death certificates stated death by Covid-19. This would make it seem there was a huge spike of Coronavirus deaths, giving a false assumption to the population of the country, that we were in the middle of a pandemic.
5. Psychological Warfare. Albert Pike*, who was a military general in the USA and a 33-degree Free Mason, predicted there would be three world wars. Two have gone. Is this pandemic the third? Governments are using psychological warfare on its own citizens. By initiating a lockdown, which was initially a temporary measure, it now has, at the time of this writing been in place for over 6 months with no end in sight. Yes, we can now move around and travel but with many restrictions to personal freedoms. The wearing of facemasks in shops became mandatory. It should be noted the government cannot legislate the wearing of masks. It remains ministerial advice, rather than law. To bring such a draconian measure onto the statute books would require a complete risk assessment on the wearing of masks and currently all the scientific evidence points to the covering of the face causing a greater risk than the current virus. It would also be against the Human Rights Act 1998, Article 1,3 and 14.
*Albert Pike – See Wikipedia
6. No Public Warnings on Face Masks! There has been NO public health broadcasts from the government on what constitutes a safe face mask; when and how often to replace them or how to dispose of them safely! As many reading this will notice, some individuals are just throwing their masks onto the ground. If they were contaminated with Covid-19, which they will not be, they would be a biohazard and disposable bins would be placed around every shopping area to reduce the possibility of contamination by anyone foolish enough to pick them up or stand near them.
7.Inflated Death Figures. Recently the government has started to admit that it over-inflated the death figures but at the same time, they increased the testing of individuals in certain areas of the UK. There were mostly in Labour held constituencies in the Midlands and North of England (Not the North East). On the Muslim Eve of Eid, they forced a mini lockdown in those areas on the pretext that there was an increase in the number with the virus. When in fact, the reason for the supposed increase was the increase in the numbers being tested in those areas.
8.Confused Government Messages. The British government has constantly given out confused messages to the public and created a great deal of fear and anxiety within today’s society. People are scared. Many avoid contact with any stranger and make sure that if they are walking on a pavement, they either cross over the road or stay more than two metres away from anyone.
I am not sure whether Mr Hancock, the Health Minister is aware of the monster he and his government has created, but his court case in September 2019, (The People (Represented by Courtenay Headings), verses Matt Hancock, David Ashford, Richards Renouf and Henrietta Ewart) (See Commonlawcourt.com),confirms that he knows exactly what he is doing and why? Although a non-medical person, he has stated that he is considering ‘forced Covid-19 injections’ on the population. The last I heard was that MPs are Civil Servants and the citizens of a democracy are sovereign. He is now stepping into the role of a ‘dictator’, taking away every individual’s rights and freedom to choose what to put into their own bodies. The PM should sack him or he will also be held accountable for inflicting such totalitarian and medical tyranny on the population. What this government is doing has no legal precedence in a democracy. Blackmailing and threatening the population with fines and punishments for not complying with MPs advice shows how far they are willing to go to control the people of the UK in compliance with their new masters in the World Health Organisation and the United Nations.
Keeping the people in a confused state seems to be the government’s agenda. They create the fear, then give back a little freedom and then within a matter of a few weeks take it back again by forcing everyone to wear face masks in shops. Their timing for the wearing of face masks was akin to locking the stable door when the horse had already bolted. It was absolutely totally unnecessary to impose the wearing of face masks to stop a virus that had already (if it existed in the first place), been on the retreat.
9. RT-PCR and Koch’s Postulates Testing. The current test for Covid-19 is the RT-PCR (Real Time - Polymerase Chain Reaction) test, which is designed to detect and measure RNA, therefore it cannot differentiate between the RNA of Exosomes, (cells which protect the body from disease) from the Coronavirus (Covid-19). Therefore Covid-19 still has not been proven to exist. Without Koch’s Postulate testing, which is the gold standard of isolating virus’s, nobody can be 100% sure that Covid-19 is an actual virus?
The following criteria must be met to ensure a virus has been isolated:
a. Those scientists who claim they have isolated Covid-19 under a microscope have not isolated and identified enough unique genetic material to claim it is a new virus.
b. The procedures used to identify the genetic material that is claimed to be ‘Covid’, was acquired using extremely questionable methods. If the methods they had used in any other study, it would have been thrown out as useless.
c. The genetic material they found has an 80% similarity rate to that of Sars-Cov-1. Consequently, the government named it Sars-Cov-2. With only 20% difference, there is not enough commonality to classify it as Sars-Cov-2. So, it is just a known flu virus, falsely categorized as new or novel, and used to create a pandemic, not for health reasons, but to move forward their plans to create a new economic and religious world order.
d. With Koch’s postulates, a virus has to meet all the following criteria:
i. The virus must be present in every case of the disease. Current testing does not do this.
ii. The virus must be isolated from the host with the disease and grown in a pure culture. Current testing cannot do this.
iii. The specific disease must be reproduced when a pure culture of the bacteria is inoculated into a healthy susceptible host. Again, under current testing this cannot be done.
iv. The virus must be recoverable from its experimentally infected host. Currently not possible under current testing procedures.
There is no doubt none of the above have been completed by scientists/biologists, therefore Covid-19 DOES NOT EXIST as a separate virus.
Common flu germs, which are coronavirus’s have the same RNA as the ‘so called’ Covid-19 virus. (See inset). Therefore, those who died, (I might add, with underlying health problems, would have died of the annual flu virus.) Therefore, the current method of testing cannot give a true picture of infections or deaths.
More testing does not mean the virus is spreading, only that testing is increasing. As I have already stated, positive testing does not mean someone has Covid-19, only that their RNA matches the RNA of the current flu virus or our own Exosomes.
(Please also be aware that anyone who has had the flu vaccination for the past two or three years is likely to have a match to Covid-19, when tested. It has been reported that at least 36% of those who have had a flu vaccination in the past couple of years, will test positive for Covid-19).
10. NHS Advertising Campaign. The NHS wants everyone tested but if these tests are unreliable why should people be tested? This is just another way of keeping the fear level high. The psychological war continues. They do not tell us that in every pandemic, counting those who have come into contact with a virus does only one thing. Upscale the fear factor. To gauge a true pandemic, one has to count the number of people admitted to hospital and those that die, not the infection rate. By telling the population the infection rate, it keeps the fear factor going.
11. Daily Media Propaganda - Brainwashing and Masks.
There has also been a media propaganda programme to make each one of us believe that wearing a mask is keeping others safe. This appeals to our human nature and we like to think that if we wear a mask, we will protect others. We have begun to believe this psychology of behaviour and some have even told others that they are saving their lives by wearing a mask. By brainwashing people into believing this, everyone has now become a pseudo pandemic police officer, ready to vilify the non-mask wearer. Anyone who does not buy into the government narrative is considered an outcast and complicit in the death of others. They are not only using psychological warfare on us but trying to change the way we think and act. The government has now employed a behavioural scientist to help change the minds of us all to think the way they want us to think.
We now have most of the population totally scared of being infected by a virus, which is no more deadly than the common flu, because that is what it is! 99.9% of those who come into contact with the flu will have no or very mild symptoms, which will last but a few days.
The chances of dying from this flu are less than that of being hit by a bus, yet everyone accepts the government narrative that wearing a mask is good for you and others. They do not realise that coving the mouth and nose is not only bad for your health, it is a sign of submission to authority.
12. 5G and the Second Wave. The media and the government have forecast a second wave. How do they know? Are they prophets? No. They have either made assumptions, planned a second wave or told downright lies. I know which I believe. Could it be that forcing people to wear masks every day will ensure they are covered in all kinds of bacteria, which opens the door for a wave of more hospitalisations and deaths this coming autumn. No doubt this may be one way that has been planned for by the government to ensure their ‘second wave’ prophecy will be fulfilled, which if the second wave did occur, how effective has wearing masks been? – absolutely useless.
If the government lied about the first wave (and I believe they did), then they are culpable for the majority of unnecessary deaths but to make sure they cover their backs, they are creating a second way so they cannot be held accountable for the current deaths. So how will the second wave occur?
When everyone has the flu vaccination this winter, is it possible that it will contain metallic nano material, along with many toxic adjuvants, which when injected straight into the blood stream will go directly to the brain and do untold damage? 5G could then be used at a high level to bombard the body and disrupt the electrons and with the help of these metallic nano particles, will cause millions of individuals to fall ill with flu like symptoms and influencer, which will kill many people over the winter. The government can then say: ‘We told you so.”
13. Trashing the Economy.The government has causes thousands of people to suffer unnecessary mental health issues through uncertainty about the future. Many have lost their income and have been twiddling their thumbs at home waiting to go back to work – but many of their jobs no longer exist due to the governments trashing of companies, some have gone bankrupt because of the incompetent handling of a fake pandemic. Many families have broken up or lived silently through abusive situations at home that could have been avoided if the bread winner was at work daily. More unnecessary suicides from mental distress caused by isolation during the lockdown. Many deaths from lack of hospital treatment, which has denied cancer patients vital scans and with individuals frightened to contact a doctor for fear of being told they have the virus.
14. No GP Appointments. Because most GP’s surgery’s closed, many older people decided not to contact the doctor therefore their illnesses were never diagnosed and some even died. Forcing the older generation to use a computer, when many of them do not use them on a daily basis, also stopped many from contacting their GP surgery. Anyone who desperately needed to go to hospital could not do so unless they could prove there was no other alternative, or phone an emergency ambulance.
15. Education Suspended. Students have been forced to forego exams after working so hard towards their final exams. The government has have made a mockery out of our education system. Many students are now left wondering if they will
get the places in university, they expected from their final exam results?
16.Isolation. Human contact is to be avoided, says the government. You can’t hold hands, kiss each other or touch your grandchildren or even go to Church. Fathers have even been denied their right to be with their expectant wives during the birth of their child. These are despicable and unnecessary inhuman decrees, which no democratic country has ever enforced on its citizens.
As well as the wearing of masks, it is not the right of a democratic government to tell people what they should and should not be able to do. In a real pandemic, those known to be infected would be quarantined, but making a presumption that ‘everyone’ is infected or a carrier and forcing everyone to stay at home, is not only the wrong thing to do, it is counter-productive because humanity, when in contact with each other, build up immunity and the virus eventually disappears.
Our human rights to be free have been overruled by a growing nanny state, who are even telling us what we can and can’t eat. Their advice is being upgraded to ‘do as you are told’ with bullying and blackmail.
We are moving to a China style surveillance country where punishment or imprisonment will be given to those who do not follow the governments rules. This is medical tyranny at its worst. Many older people have died alone, devoid of human contact. Families unable to visit their parents. Children told to keep apart and not touch.
Boris Johnson is not only guilty of more crimes than Tony Blair’s illegal invasion of Iraq, he has shown how despicable he can be in his Tweets, telling everyone that failure to comply with government guidelines will result in individuals being fined. Nowhere in British law is any citizen compelled to accede to government guidelines and enforcement of compliance is not only illegal, the government is guilty of going against its own laws.
17. Covid-19 Vaccination and Population Control And so, we come to one of the reasons why this lockdown is still in place and why masks are still mandatory. This abnormal way of living, according to the governments of the world, can only get back to normality if the population of the world receives a Covid-19 vaccination. But why is it necessary to inject the whole world with a vaccine when 99% of the world population will actually recover naturally from this flu virus?
It has taken scientists many years to come up with effective vaccines for various diseases, yet now we see a miracle happening. They expect to take only a year or so to come up with a Covid-19 vaccine. One has to ask the question:
“What exactly is the vaccination for?”
It will not be for Covid-19, because, as we have learned, the virus does not exist as a separate virus, it is a man-made manipulated version or the Sar’s virus.
From past scientific experience, it would be almost impossible to come up with a tried and tested vaccine in such a short period of time. Is it therefore possible that a vaccine has already been produced and those who want to force an untried vaccine on the world, are waiting for the correct moment to announce a breakthrough so they can release the vaccine they have waiting in the wings?
Population control has always been the aim the elite of the world. The population is currently around 7.5 billion and is considered to be too high for those who control most of the worlds resources. The more there is to feed and take what resources there are left, which the elite want for themselves, they want the population down to 500 million. One way to reduce the population, without making it look like genocide, is to convince people that they need to be kept healthy, so they are told that a vaccination will ensure they are saved from virus’s. Many will fall for this lie and willingly have their blood stream filled with toxic and controlling substances. Many will die slowly, so may die within days. According the Bill Gates himself, he estimated that 700,000 around the world would probably die after his vaccination. Why is nobody standing up against his organisation? Greed and power are the gifts of Satan and those who advocate killing millions, are the devils children.
Biological scientists no longer appear to be ethical, putting the patient before profit! In the past there have been a number of unethical uses of vaccines, where tests have been carried out on unsuspecting groups most notably the recent wild polio vaccination programme carried out by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, funded by the World Health Organisation (WHO); Rotary International, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNCIF); the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Gavi and the Vaccine Alliance. The initiative, however was a disaster and led to many mutated polio vaccine viruses – (Circulating Vaccine Derived Poliovirus (cVDPV), Types 1 and 2. In 2019, this vaccine initiative actually increased the incident of polio in the non-endemic countries, which say an increase from 0-135 and in those endemic countries from 22-175 cases. On the 19th August 2020, there was a reported outbreak of Type 1 in Yemen.
18.Wild Polio. Had almost been eradicated from the world, but due to the start of vaccinating a mutated virus, those countries where the vaccination was used caused severe damage to many children and several died from the vaccine. Fortunately, the vaccination initiative was halted but that has not deterred these people from forcing through vaccination programmes, one of which is the Covid-19 vaccination, which is expected to make the Gates foundation and others, trillionaires.
19. Members of UK Parliament. These are Civil Servants. They are not our masters. We elected them to work for the betterment of our country but because of this PLANDEMIC, they are acting more like the Chinese government. They have lied to us. Cheated with their statistics to make us believe we are in the middle of a deadly pandemic. They have misused their powers and positions of trust to wreak havoc over this country and have made no apology for the complete mess they have created. We are billions in debt because of them. No opposition MP’s have come forward to take the government to task over the handling of this pandemic. There has been no dissention or support for the people they are supposed to listen to. Are all MP’s complicit in this move towards a new world order?
Future generations, should there be any, will become lethargic robots under this new world order regime if nothing is done to combat this evil and change the direction we are going. No-one has any faith in our elected politicians anymore. They must be held accountable for the destruction of our society and the deaths they have caused either intentionally or through incompetence. Boris Johnsons government has perpetrated one of the most heinous crimes against humanity in British history. Any third word tyrant or dictator could only dream of what the British government has perpetrated in such a few months.
The British Government has been complicit with the USA, China and other countries governments around world in helping to fulfil the age-old dream of the House of Rothschild in bringing about their desire for a one world government. They have committed genocide on a massive scale and caused untold hardship to millions, if not billions. What they have and are doing is treason and they should be held accountable. They have used the *Hegelian Dialectic method, creating crisis after crisis to ensure the UN plan for global governance is fulfilled. (See the UN Report – Our Global Neighbourhood Report – 1996).
In 1979 the creation of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created in the USA. They were set as an agency who could call a national emergency when they warranted it. This gives them power to:
Suspend laws, Detain citizens without a warrant or without trial (exercised first in Guantanamo bay). It has the power to seize property, food supplies, transportation systems and can suspend the American constitution. Even though this is the most powerful agency in the US, it was not even created under constitutional law by Congress, it was created by the President alone – A Presidential Executive Order.
With America moving to a totalitarian government, the United Kingdom and other countries are following.
Brexit was a thorn in the side of the EU and the planned United Nations one world government so the vote by the British people had to be undermined. To do this the Lucifarian billionaires club had to come up quickly with an idea. They were losing the argument on Climate Change with the population of the world, therefore, what better idea than a PANDEMIC!
A virus to bring down governments by destroying their economies. Creating a climate of fear, anxiety and division among the populations. By dividing people, they could conquer the nations and bring about a technocratic and totalitarian controlled world where they will have ultimate power over every human being.
20. Real reasons for this phoney pandemic!
First and main reason. There is a programme going forward by the Oligarch's, (rich businessmen and bankers), called Reset. (www.Reset.org). Their goal is to fulfil the dream of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who in 1776 stated:
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws”
Covid-19 wasn't their first attempt at destroying individual country’s economies:
They tried with Anthrax, killing thousands of livestock needlessly, hoping to destroy our economy. That failed! They tried again in 2003 with Sars-Cov-1,killing hundreds of older people. That failed! They brought out Bird Flu. That failed! Ebola. That failed. Now they have created a hoax pandemic and this is having great success for them in all Western countries, except for one or two countries.
Once a government gets into severe ‘out of control’ debt, these billionaires (who have pooled their wealth), step in and buy that debt. It therefore appears that we no longer have independent MP's in our Parliament and this may be the reason why no one has questioned the governments draconian unconstitutional and destruction of human rights.
It would not surprise me if our new PM at the time was attempting to put a block on the Oligarch's inroads into the UK economy and fell foul, of them. Therefore, he had to be temporarily removed as PM and to do this they put out a cover story that he caught Covid-19. Is he now scared as he now seems to be dancing to their tune?
Covid-19 is a cover for the destruction of our economy. We desperately need good men and women to bring this to the world’s attention before these faceless people control every aspect of our lives.
It was Rothschild who also believed that if the wealthy and influential of the world pooled all their resources together, they could rule the whole world. He had contempt for national governments because of their attempt to regulate international bankers like himself. As a consequence, he set up a group to bring about his goal for a one world order and to take all the worlds wealth for himself and his group. His seven-point plan was and still is for the billionaire bankers today. The goals are:
- 1. To abolish all national governments.
- 2. To remove private ownership of property.
- 3. To abolish inheritances.
- 4. To abolish patriotism.
- 5. To abolish family.
- 6. To abolish all other religions
(except for Rome).
- 7. To create a new world government.
(See Mayer Amschel Rothschild on Wikipedia)
Second Reason. Population control. The Gates Foundation and others have given billions to various organisations over the years, the WHO, CDC, Big Pharma etc, to move forward with their plan to reduce the population from its current 7.2 billion to their desired world population of 500 million. If they succeed in doing this, they will ensure the current world resources will come under their total control. With billions of mankind now reduced to their target figure, they will control the remaining world resources and the remaining world population will work for and be robotically controlled by these billionaire elites. These are there aims.
21. Population Uprising. There is a great need for the populations of the world to rise up and regain control of their democratic rights. If everyone accedes to the wishes of their governments and allows them to take their freedoms, bit-by-bit, until they are completely under the control of government, then the democratic countries of this world will no longer exist.
Benjamin Franklin said:
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”
“The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” Psalm 118:6
*Hegelian Dialectic. Crisis, reaction, solution – see Wikipedia
Update. Professor Chris Whitty, who along with Mat Hancock seems to be leading the government and our PM is nowhere to be seen. He has been given $40m from the Gates foundation and has been appointed a position on the Executive board of the World Health Organisation. GlaxoSmithKline and Pribright institute is also funded by the Gates Foundation. Gates is to charge £225 per vile of the new Covid-19 vaccine when it is rolled out in the UK and it will be worth £148 billion to him. Is our government committing a treasonable act by allowing a foreign power to dictate to Parliament?
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...in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them... 2 Cor 5:19
Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Acts 13:38
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